This week we have lots of special guests to celebrate our 100th episode! Thanks for being on this amazing journey with us, we couldn’t do it without you!!!

Takeaways from this episode:

  • The Enneagram is a great tool that can be used in all areas of life. 
  • Podcasts take a lot of time, they can basically be a full-time job in addition to other things you may be doing. But if you have a passion for it, it is really worth it.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask! Bucket list things happen when you ask.
  • The client is not necessarily the audience. The audience is the person on the other end who you are actually designing for

Episodes referenced:

  • Episodes 68 and Episode 69: Interview with Chris Heuertz
  • Episode 94: Interview with Emily Cretella
  • Episode 77: Interview with Liz Fosslien
  • Episode 21: Interview with Leatrice Eiseman 
  • Episode 37: Are there really clients from hell? (To hear when Dominic hijacked the Design Speaks playlist)
  • Episode 7: Never Trust Your First Idea (or Question Everything which is the name given to it by Hugh Weber)
  • Episode 42: Why collecting things is important (AKA don’t trust a designer who doesn’t collect)
  • Episode 63: How to Define Your Audience 
  • Episode 48: Interview with Hugh Weber


References to other things:

99% Invisible Podcast Episode 281 La Sagrada Familia

Empire Records, one of Brandi’s favorite movies



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Thank you to Vesperteen for allowing us to use his song Shatter in the Night as our intro and outro music for Design Speaks



This Quarter’s Book:

We are reading and reviewing books on the podcast every quarter!

If you would like to read along, THIS QUARTER, we’ve been reading, The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair.

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THANK YOU to the ultra-talented  Vesperteen (Colin Rigsby) for letting us use his (“Shatter in The Night”) track in every episode of Design Speaks.













Intro: 00:01 Happy 100th episode Design Speaks.

Kenny: 00:05 Happy 100th episode Design Speaks.

Emily: 00:07 Hi, I’m Emily Cretella and want to say happy birthday, Design Speaks

Intro: 00:11 Welcome to Design Speaks. This lovely podcast is brought to you by a graphic design geek and a regular human being. AKA a non-designer. We’re here to chat about music, pop culture, cool places, and I basically, whatever we feel is relevant.

Brandi: 00:31 Hey guys, I’m Brandi Sea

Michelle: 00:33 And I’m Michelle

Joelle: 00:34 And I’m Joelle

Brandi: 00:35 And you’re listening to episode.

Together: 00:36 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandi: 00:41 Of Design Speaks! We’re so excited. I really knew we would make it here but it seemed so far away.

Michelle: 00:47 Um, so on this episode we’re going to be talking to a few of our favorite people and if you’re not on this episode, it doesn’t mean you’re not one of our favorite people.

Brandi: 00:54 It just means we were poor planners and felt like it wouldn’t be fair to you to call you super last minute.

Michelle: 01:00 It’s actually really true. But right now we have the wonderful one and only Joelle in studio. Hi, how are you?

Joelle: 01:09 I’m good.

Michelle: 01:10 Good. I’m glad to hear that.

Brandi: 01:11 So Joelle was a fan. First, she was just

Michelle: 01:14 She’s like friends.

Brandi: 01:15 No, first she was a friend, then she was a fan, then she was family. Now she’s part of the team and also family and friends. So you got a lot of titles

Joelle: 01:24 I’m like everything

Michelle: 01:25 Whoa, you got your toe in the door and you’re just like, break that door open

Joelle: 01:28 It’s like, no, you can’t get rid of me that easy

Brandi: 01:32 I don’t think we were ever trying to get rid of you

Joelle: 01:33 No, I don’t think so.

Michelle: 01:35 But you have been here with us pretty much from the beginning, like before the beginning like in talks of.

Joelle: 01:42 Yeah, cause Brandi like told me, I really want to do a podcast. I think Michelle’s going to do it with me. I’m like, all right, go for it.

Michelle: 01:47 Good for you. You’re like the cheerleader. Go Great. Yeah.

Brandi: 01:53 That’s what you just said. I was like, that’s not when have you been a cheerleader? Oh, I guess so. Yeah.

Michelle: 01:57 Yeah. It’s, it’s good. But what has been your favorite thing so far? Um, pick one. Choose one. One. I just kidding. It can be more than one

Joelle: 02:08 I just love the enneagram. Can I just say that because I had no idea what the enneagram was. I even listened to the first Sleeping at Last songs and so I’m a two just so everybody knows. And I listened to two and one and three and there’s like lines and all three of those songs that I like resonate with and I was like, I don’t understand why do I resonate with these songs? And then I find out, oh that’s cause those are like, that’s like my group of numbers.

Michelle: 02:31 Yeah, you’re like, oh, that makes sense. Like I feel like I, I am, I’m not, I don’t know if there’s one thing that I’m just happy I can bring to this podcast if it’s not good design content. It’s the enneagram.

Joelle: 02:46 Yeah.

Michelle: 02:47 Like I’m, I asked the questions

Brandi: 02:49 You have a great voice for radio.

Michelle: 02:51 That’s not the point. I’m more than my voice Brandi.

Joelle: 02:56 Oh gosh, that’s when my brother says, I’m like, cause he’s a nine too. So I’m always like, brother, you’re such a nine. He’s like, I am more than a number. Yeah, but you’re also a nine

Brandi: 03:05 Also, you’re a number

Michelle: 03:09 But also, yeah. No, I thank you. I’m really excited. I actually just got this, another review that’s very similar to that of like, I’m just really glad I know about the enneagram now. Yes. Yes. You’re welcome. You’re welcome.

Joelle: 03:20 And it helps me and my husband understand each other so much better. Yeah, I’m a two, he’s a five. Where are the opposites attract relationship.

Michelle: 03:28 Wait, two fives in the family. That’s crazy

Brandi: 03:30 And they’re brothers and their brothers. Yeah.

Michelle: 03:33 Do they ever talk to each other?

Joelle: 03:35 Actually Kurtis

Brandi: 03:37 Yeah, they talk really well together

Joelle: 03:37 He’s the closest to Kenny I think.

Michelle: 03:39 Awe, they’re just a bunch of intellectuals. They talked about nerdy stuff

Joelle: 03:42 And they debate and I’m like, just don’t debate with me

Michelle: 03:45 Zone out

Joelle: 03:45 I’m right all the time.

Brandi: 03:45 They both are just on their phone like, I’m going to find the right answer and prove you wrong.

Joelle: 03:49 Yeah

Michelle: 03:50 That makes sense.

Joelle: 03:50 And that’s what I learned about fives is that like, yeah, they’re like, I listened to the Sleeping at Last and Chris was like, yeah, when a five says they’re right, probably they’re probably right. And I was like, Dang it, no!

Michelle: 04:01 You don’t need to know that

Brandi: 04:03 You’re all, Kurtis I wanted you to hear this episode, but just kidding. You don’t have to hear it.

Joelle: 04:06 I’m going to fast forward through this

Michelle: 04:08 Fast forward through that part because that’s unnecessary for you to know because I feel like you already know it.

Joelle: 04:12 Yeah.

Michelle: 04:13 Um, what is been your favorite interview thus far?

Joelle: 04:15 Yeah, I want to say Chris Heuertz has been my favorite interview.

Michelle: 04:19 He was a wealth of knowledge.

Joelle: 04:21 Yeah. I’m like, cause it was just, I learned so much. I’ve listened to that episode probably or both of those episodes because it’s two part-er, I probably listened to them like three times already.

Michelle: 04:29 I think what I love about Chris Heuertz being on our design speaks episode, our creative episode is that it’s really helped me as a creative figure out how to work with other creatives. Like I look at that person if they know their type I, it’s more, it’s easier for me to be like, oh well, you know, this is kind of like part of his how he, how he is or how she is. Um, and it just, it really helps me like figure out our balance between us as two people working together or even as a group.

Joelle: 05:00 Yeah. So yeah, I’m like, it helps me just in my friend relationships too.

Michelle: 05:04 What are some of the most important things you’ve learned through design speaks?

Joelle: 05:09 I think I’ve learned, I mean, finding inspiration all around me. Um,

Brandi: 05:14 I dunno, what do you, what does that mean?

Joelle: 05:18 I always like would look at like sunrises or whatever as an example. And I’m like, oh, it’s so pretty. But actually like finding inspiration in that and like seeing how the colors go together and like, how can I use this in my real life? Like and like, cause I’m like do watercolor and I do lettering and so it’s like finding out how little things like that can go together.

Michelle: 05:38 I re, I remember being like in my early twenties and picking up in leaf a leaf and being like, wow, look how intricate this leaf is. It’s beautiful. But over time you just forget to do that.

Joelle: 05:47 Right. Yeah.

Michelle: 05:48 And it really is a habit that needs to be formed and as a creative that is invaluable.

Joelle: 05:54 Yeah.

Michelle: 05:54 So I love that.

Joelle: 06:02 And actually I was listening another podcast, 99% invisible. The las, las sangria familia or

Brandi: 06:02 La Sagrada Familia.

Joelle: 06:03 Yes, yes

Brandi: 06:03 My parents are literally seeing that tomorrow they’re going there tomorrow

Joelle: 06:06 I’m want to see it so bad.

Michelle: 06:07 What is that?

Joelle: 06:08 So it’s a giant cathedral that they’re building.

Brandi: 06:11 It’s a Gothic-inspired cathedral in Barcelona that’s been being built, um, for ages. It’s Antoni Gaudi, the architect, um, basically wanted to build a cathedral. He was hired to build a cathedral to the sacred family, which is what’s La Sagrada Familia means, which is, uh, a Catholic cathedral to honor Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

Joelle: 06:36 Yeah. And the Goudy is like, he got his inspiration from nature. So like they even like chloroformed a donkey to cast the donkey in the

Brandi: 06:46 To have a live donkey cast and he’d be accurate.

Joelle: 06:49 And he tried it with people too, but almost killed them. So that didn’t happen

Michelle: 06:52 You can chloroform people

Brandi: 06:54 No they didn’t chloroform the people

Joelle: 06:57 Just the donkey

Brandi: 06:57 They just tried to, they tried to like do a live cast of a live person and almost killed them.

Michelle: 07:01 Have you guys ever seen, it’s behind the scenes on SNL, on Youtube. Um, they have a bunch of clips of how they do specific things on SNL and one of them is like the makeup department. Um, and it’s really terrifying. So because, um, it doesn’t seem terrifying and it like it, they’d go through so fast that you’re like, this is incredible, but if you really think about you having to sit in this chair, so the cast members, once they’re cast as well as like the weekly person, the person who’s hosting that week. They come in and the first thing that they do is get a cast of their face in like shoulders to make like prosthetic type things for the the skits that they’re going to be in. And so they have to sit there and it’s this really lengthy process that they hyper-lapse through really fast, um, of them just doing this cast over their entire face and they can’t move the entire time

Brandi: 07:54 And they just have tiny holes for their notes.

Michelle: 07:56 For their noses.

Brandi: 07:56 I was get so claustrophobic

Michelle: 07:57 I would be like dying in here.

Joelle: 07:59 I think I remember seeing that like, cause my brother and I are, oh my brother’s a nerd. I kind of am too, but we went and watched like all the behind the scenes stuff of Lord of the Rings and it’s a similar thing.

Michelle: 08:07 Yeah.

Joelle: 08:08 And like, yeah, I could not do that. It would be so claustrophobic

Michelle: 08:11 Oh I have anxiety thinking about it right now. Anyway. That poor donkey.

Joelle: 08:16 Yeah. But I want to see it so bad cause I love nature and the fact that he took his inspiration in his architecture and brought in nature.

Brandi: 08:24 Yeah. I love Antoni Gaudi. He, he had, Gaudi. He’s got some really incredible work. Um, we’ll have to look at it after the show, but

Michelle: 08:32 Yeah, no idea what we’re talking about

Joelle: 08:34 It’s mind-boggling.

Michelle: 08:34 That’s so cool.

Brandi: 08:35 It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. It looks like a

Joelle: 08:36 Yeah.

Brandi: 08:37 I don’t know. I think something they said on the online and 99PI that sounded perfect was it looks like a sand castle made of bones.

Joelle: 08:44 Yeah. It looks so

Michelle: 08:45 Sounds like Game of Thrones. Coming up. We have interviews with Dominic as well as, um

Brandi: 08:52 Hugh Weber.

Michelle: 08:52 Then the one and only Kenny Kniffin. Brandi’s husband.

Brandi: 08:57 Yeah.

Michelle: 08:57 So that’s coming up right after this. Right now we’re going to let you actually what you might be a part of the Hugh thing, right?

Joelle: 09:05 Yeah.

Michelle: 09:05 Are you stick, you’re sticking around for Hugh.

Joelle: 09:06 Yeah, I’ll stick around.

Michelle: 09:07 Cool.

Brandi: 09:07 Hey guys, so if you really love this show and want to support it, um, so we can continue making episodes now over and above a hundred. Um, we would really appreciate it if you checked out our Patreon.

Michelle: 09:20 Its and you can give as little as $1 and as much as you absolutely want to. And it could be monthly, a onetime thing that’s on you.

Joelle: 09:30 It will help us out immensely.

Brandi: 09:32 It might make, make Joelle a full employee someday.

Joelle: 09:37 Yeah, I’m like to get a job and get paid to do this would be awesome.

Michelle: 09:41 You and me both. You and me both. All three of us really.

Joelle: 09:45 Yeah.

Michelle: 09:45 So

Brandi: 09:52 All right, so much to his dismay, we have my husband, Kenny on with us next.

Michelle: 09:59 So Hi, Kenny.

Kenny: 10:00 Hi how’s it going?

Michelle: 10:01 Welcome to Design Speaks were so thankful you could make it today.

Kenny: 10:06 Anytime. Not really

Brandi: 10:06 It was a long walk up the stairs from our living room.

Kenny: 10:10 I really had to come a long way to get here.

Michelle: 10:11 He’s out of breath. He walked the entire way here. That’s like a big deal. I mean, right?

Brandi: 10:21 He was like, do I have to? And I’m like, yes, because you are actually a listener and a huge support. Like we said

Kenny: 10:29 Well the response was because you’re my husband.

Brandi: 10:30 Oh, well I didn’t say that.

Kenny: 10:31 Okay.

Michelle: 10:32 I said that and I meant it.

Kenny: 10:34 And then I said, well where’s Kelly?

Michelle: 10:36 And I said, he doesn’t listen. So

Brandi: 10:40 He listens sporadically

Michelle: 10:42 Very sporadically.

Kenny: 10:42 The reason is because I’m the husband that listens.

Michelle: 10:44 Yes

Brandi: 10:44 Yes

Michelle: 10:45 Yes.

Brandi: 10:45 But also you give us great feedback. You have thoughts on things that we say. So you are a valuable listener as well as my husband.

Michelle: 10:53 Um, so we want to talk to you about things that you have really enjoyed. Um, do you have like a favorite guest interview or topic?

Kenny: 11:01 Uh, I’ve got a few of your guys’ interviews that I really liked, uh, since the last time I was on, which was at your 52nd, I believe you’re one year right?

Michelle: 11:10 Wow.

Kenny: 11:11 So it’s been about 50 episodes since then.

Michelle: 11:12 Sorry about that.

Brandi: 11:14 He doesn’t care. He doesn’t mind at all.

Kenny: 11:17 Uh, so there’s been a few interviews that I really liked. One is, uh, the Emily Cretella Interview with mother hustle.

Michelle: 11:26 Yes.

Kenny: 11:27 Um, I think that was 94. She, uh, I, I really liked what she had to say. And you guys really got a lot out of it. I feel like to where you started to feel like you could talk about being moms on here too and you didn’t feel like that was a, a negative thing towards your podcast. So no I really appreciated that one.

Brandi: 11:44 Ah, Yay. Thank you. I mean, I think that you’ve always encouraged me to do that, but it felt out of place. You know, it kind of means something from another mom, I think maybe.

Michelle: 11:55 Yeah. I just read a thing that I really wish I could find it like verbatim the gist of it was people want women to have kids and be moms, but they want them to work as if they don’t.

Kenny: 12:07 Right.

Michelle: 12:08 And it’s like she opened up a whole new can of worms, at least for me

Brandi: 12:13 For us

Michelle: 12:13 And us that just was like, oh, insight perspective. We are moms and that’s okay. And we’re, and I’m not gonna feel bad about needing to take time off to be a parent to my kid who’s only going to grow up once.

Kenny: 12:28 Yeah. For sure. Um, no, I, I really, I really think it does, it goes both ways. And um, as, as a dad, same, same thing to some degree. Like it’s being able to talk about like being a dad has always been kind of normal for me at work, but I know that it’s not as much assumed that that’s okay for moms and I’m glad that that was talked about

Michelle: 12:50 I think in every single work atmosphere, and this isn’t to dis on anyone at all. Um, in every work atmosphere I’ve been asked, well, are you going to have kids? Are we going to have to worry about that? Like as if it’s like that’s, I’m a liability\

Kenny: 13:07 Right.

Michelle: 13:08 So it’s a really hard place to be by Emily Cretella definitely put us in our place in like a good way.

Kenny: 13:14 Yeah. Because ultimately like anybody could be out for any reason from any job and that that shouldn’t be a concern.

Brandi: 13:22 Yeah. It’s like, what is this, the fifties, where pregnancy as an illness?

Michelle: 13:27 You can still drink

Kenny: 13:29 But primarily just, just, just the fact that she allowed you guys to see it as it’s okay for us to talk about this on the podcast and, and support other moms that are hopefully thinking the same thing, like a lot of moms work and are moms and they should be able to do this. Do both.

Michelle: 13:46 Do you have other moments?

Kenny: 13:46 Um, I kinda liked, uh, Liz, Liz Foss, Fossliens

Brandi: 13:52 Frosslien

Michelle: 13:54 Fosslien

Kenny: 13:54 Fosslien, something like that. In episode 77, um, she was talking about emotions in the workplace and you know, um, I, I’ve you guys talking about that just kind of opened that up, opened my eyes up to that a little bit. It’s like, I mean, I don’t really deal with that on a normal basis, but emotions should, emotions are part of life and emotions are everywhere. So why do we keep them out of the workplace? Um, you know, there’s a lot of people in our office that are frustrated about a lot of things that go on, you know, different things here and there and it’s like you should be able to talk about those things, but you should also be able to talk about those things so you can stay positive about them because keeping them inside and not talking about them or just, you know, complaining all the time, it just leads to negativity. So I really liked about that episode too it was good.

Michelle: 14:49 I love that ended episode, Liz Fosslien, Fosslien I’m really sorry that I still don’t know how to say your last name. Liz. Um, it has, she, they wrote a book, her and another girl named Molly, they wrote a book called No Hard Feelings and that’s exactly what it is. It’s like we should be able to express our feelings in the workplace and be able to honestly say no hard feelings

Brandi: 15:08 And have it be constructive and like learning how to work through that stuff at work. The same as you would try to work through things at home and outside of work

Kenny: 15:16 Through this whole entire process of you guys do in this podcast. It’s, it’s been a long road. You know, we started this almost two years ago, um, probably has been two years ago, actually.

Michelle: 15:26 Two years in this past February.

Brandi: 15:27 Yeah.

Kenny: 15:28 Yeah.

Michelle: 15:28 So two and a half almost.

Kenny: 15:30 And you guys just, you’ve really worked hard at this. You’ve really been a really successful at it. I really appreciate that you guys have stuck with it. Um, I know that there has been some definite struggles along the way, so, um,

Michelle: 15:43 Many different times

Kenny: 15:43 That was one of the things that I wanted to bring up and see, you know, from you guys. What are some struggles that you guys

Brandi: 15:48 oh, flipping the script.

Kenny: 15:48 Had through this

Brandi: 15:50 You’re not allowed to do that are you?

Kenny: 15:50 And, uh, would maybe like to share with the listeners because struggles are real and if anybody else is trying to do a podcast or trying to start their own business, they need to know that this stuff’s not easy, but you can work through it. So back to you guys.

Brandi: 16:04 You go first

Michelle: 16:04 I think that as, um, someone who is just not a part of, um, the design world per se, it’s been really hard for me to come up with, um, questions are going to, they’re going to, that are going to take up an entire episode. Um, so that’s been really hard for me just on like a deeply personal, what the heck are we going to talk about level even at it’s gotten easier over the last two years because I’ve learned more about it, but I’m still, there’s still things that I’m just like, I don’t

Brandi: 16:33 And I’m like, you don’t have to know anything. Stop learning things so you have more questions.

Michelle: 16:37 And it’s so hard for me cause I want to know, I don’t want to sound like an idiot, especially after two and a half years of doing this. But it’s, so that’s just one thing. Um, another thing is time. This takes a lot of time for both of us out of our weeks, every single week. It’s, it’s time. We have to prep, we have to record, we have to edit, she has to make, uh, uh, an image for it. She has to, you know, upload everything, create content on social media for it. What we’re doing is a full-time job. And we’re doing it. Um,

Brandi: 17:11 In our spare moments

Michelle: 17:11 In our spare moments. Like I, there’s some times where I’m like, I come home from a really long day and I’m just like, I know that I, if I don’t do this right now, which is editing the podcast, it’s gonna, it’s gonna explode in my face.

Kenny: 17:25 Yeah.

Brandi: 17:25 Uh, let’s see. For me, I think as a super hyper-motivated, like wanting to do something all the time thing. Um, for me it’s been, um, I think it’s been a really good outlet. I, I had been doing a blog. I do love to write. Um, I, I tried doing the youtube stuff, which was fine. Um, I think that this podcast really helped me find my voice. Um, I had a hard time on video by myself. I’m a very social person. I can come up with things to talk about all day if I have someone in front of me, but when it’s just me in front of the camera talking, it’s a lot harder.

Michelle: 18:05 Deer in the headlights

Brandi: 18:06 Well, it’s not even a deer in the headlights. It’s just like, I just feel it feels narcissistic. Like if I’m being honest, I just feel like look at me on the camera talking like I’m so smart and about all the things I know.

Michelle: 18:16 Well, and then you’re talking to a whole bunch of different people and you’re like, I don’t know who all these people want me to be. And so it’s like hard to, I don’t know. It’s like your target audiences and array of people

Brandi: 18:26 Yeah, it is. And so it’s not like if I’m going to speak at a conference or something, I know who I’m talking to. And the funniest part about it is that the majority of people that find me find me through the youtube channel, which is really bizarre. And they’re like, I love your podcast. I’m like, Oh, I’m so glad you listened. They’re like, yeah, you have great videos. And I’m like that. That’s not a podcast. So, um, I think this, the hardest part about this for me, I think, um, is maybe just like growing into ourselves, like figuring out what not so much like knowing for me what, you know, what things are like Michelle for her learning things. Like I already know a lot of things that I can talk about, but figuring out how best to say it or like how it’s going to be good in a conversation.

Kenny: 19:13 Yeah

Brandi: 19:14 Um, it’s the time for sure is a thing. Like I do a lot of things and this is probably one of my number one priorities.

Michelle: 19:23 Um, but I don’t want to take all the rest of your time. Thank you for joining us on Design Speaks on the 100th episode.

Kenny: 19:29 My pleasure. Yeah it’s great

Brandi: 19:30 We’re super grateful for you. You you like help. We couldn’t like we power this now, but to begin with, like we were calling you in every 15 minutes because something wasn’t working and we

Michelle: 19:41 Why isn’t it recording?

Brandi: 19:41 Yeah, like you helped us get all the awesome equipment and get everything like really set and you kind of like helped us set the groundwork.

Michelle: 19:50 You jump-started this whole thing

Brandi: 19:51 So you deserve to be on this cause we wouldn’t be here without you

Kenny: 19:56 I’m glad to be a part of it, I’m glad that you guys have it and I’m really glad to see how much value it adds to your guys’ life. So thanks.

Dominic: 20:03 Hello, this is Dominic.

Brandi: 20:05 Hello Dominic. You’re live with Brandi, Michelle, and Joelle.

Dominic: 20:10 Oh Hey guy.

Michelle: 20:11 Live, live with Brandi, Michelle, and Joelle on Design Speaks.

Dominic: 20:16 Oh Hey, Design Speaks, it’s good to be here. How are you guys?

Brandi: 20:20 Good. We’re actually recording on video as well, so it’s not live on video, but we are recording.

Michelle: 20:26 We’re not there yet. Yeah

Dominic: 20:28 That’s pretty cool

Brandi: 20:28 We’re not that brave yet.

Dominic: 20:30 Right on, well hey, congratulations. Happy 100th episode.

Brandi: 20:35 Yay!

Michelle: 20:36 Woohoo!

Brandi: 20:36 Where’s the party horn?

Joelle: 20:38 I want to clap, but I don’t know how

Michelle: 20:40 Just little

Joelle: 20:43 Golf clap

Michelle: 20:43 Golf clap. How are you?

Dominic: 20:45 Oh, doing great. Doing Great. It’s, it’s a lot of stuff going on here at, um, my job and also in my personal life, but things are going great. How are you guys

Michelle: 20:58 We’re doing well. I can, I’ll speak for myself. Hold on. Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m doing well.

Brandi: 21:05 Is it rhyming day

Michelle: 21:05 I guess so.

Joelle: 21:06 Oh hey, I can do the same thing, I’m Joelle and I’m doing well.

Michelle: 21:08 Yeah

Brandi: 21:09 I’ll just be the weird one as always

Michelle: 21:11 No you’re Brandi and you’re doing dandy. Come on.

Joelle: 21:13 Oh yay!

Brandi: 21:13 I’m Brandi and I’m doing great

Dominic: 21:16 Missed opportunity, man.

Michelle: 21:18 Gosh, gosh. Um, well we’re just going to get right into it so we don’t take up all of your time. I know that you’re probably like on a lunch right now or something a break a little break from work. Um, but go ahead.

Dominic: 21:29 I was going to say, no, my CEO’s in the middle of a, a big speech, so I’m just kinda like, oh, I’m going to step out from it for a minute

Brandi: 21:35 Oh, great. Well, hopefully, you don’t get fired. So

Michelle: 21:39 Gosh.

Dominic: 21:42 No no no, well it doesn’t pertain to me

Michelle: 21:43 Anxiety. Okay. Um, if you guys have not heard the episode a few episodes where we’ve had Dominic on Design Speaks, I encourage you to go back and listen. He is, he has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge that we, he imparted

Brandi: 21:53 And a great radio voice

Michelle: 21:53 I know, I’m kind of like really thankful that you’re just on your phone right now because these microphones make your voice sound so

Brandi: 22:02 Buttery smooth.

Michelle: 22:02 Way too good.

Dominic: 22:06 Oh good. I’m glad. I’m glad. I’m glad. So what’s a, what’s the scuttlebutt? What are we talking about?

Michelle: 22:11 For our 100th episode, we wanted to call a few people. You are one of them, obviously, we called you and just talk about some of your favorite moments of maybe Design Speaks as well as just stuff you’ve learned over the past year.

Dominic: 22:26 Oh, let’s see. What am I favorite moments? And I’m sorry because I don’t remember the name, but I really liked the color gal. That one lady.

Brandi: 22:35 Leatrice Eiseman

Dominic: 22:37 Yeah. Yeah. She goes, she goes around the world and, and, and looks at colors and color trends.

Michelle: 22:43 What a dream.

Dominic: 22:44 Why not? I was like, that was one of those like I didn’t even know that was a thing. And then, uh, and just, just that there’s such a thing as color trends. I mean it’s kind of obvious if you’re in this type of profession, but just to hear her talk about it in voting on like the best colors for the year and all that stuff, it’s just like, like having that be a business or like, you know, like a pursuit is really, that was really intriguing that you even got got, got that gal to come in and that’s like a big

Brandi: 23:11 Bucket list

Dominic: 23:12 Yeah. That’s like a big thing.

Michelle: 23:14 And you know, he got her

Dominic: 23:16 How?

Michelle: 23:17 Brandi asked.

Dominic: 23:18 That’s all you have to, you know what I’m finding out? It’s all you gotta do is just ask. Everybody’s actually, uh, I don’t know, maybe because it’s like social media or everybody has a platform now I feel like a lot of people are super accessible and they want to be more accessible. There’s less like middlemen and stuff. This is a quick sidebar note, but like we went to a concert last week, me and my wife and we got to meet Art Alexakis from Ever Clear. It wasn’t even just, he wasn’t like surrounded by like an entourage or anything. It was just like, Oh hey, can we like just chatted with him for a while. And it was just like, oh yeah, we’re trying to do this back in like 1996. I don’t think that would’ve happened.

Michelle: 24:03 Do you think that social media has kind of helped that mindset move along? Like we’re in, like it’s not back in Michael Jackson days where it’s like he is the pop king, you know, like he, he is unreachable. Um, do you think that social media has kind of helped with that?

Dominic: 24:21 Um, uh, yeah, I think that it’s a, it’s a big thing to be kind of like deep misdefined thing because especially because everybody’s like, just like constantly documenting their life and their moments. I think they’re trying to be more human. Uh, like you’re a, whether you’re a celebrity or just a regular person, everybody wants to kind of be on that same level because I think everybody is realizing, uh, I mean, I’m just kind of, I don’t know, making a blanket statement, but I think that most people that are on social media and they’re doing stuff like that, they’re, they’re having fun. Like, so like these creative types or other professionals or celebrities and what have you, like they’re out there like, uh, like your girl Michelle, Taylor Swift. I don’t know how many cat pictures I see.

Michelle: 25:12 Awe T, yeah.

Dominic: 25:13 I really think that like, you could, you could go up her and, and just, you know, I don’t know.

Brandi: 25:20 Ask her about her cat?

Dominic: 25:20 Yeah. Ask her about a cat or like, you know, like, you know, eat, eat, eat some candy with her or something. I don’t know.

Michelle: 25:27 That’s sounds accurate

Brandi: 25:28 Pocket candy. Just hand her some pocket candy.

Dominic: 25:31 Yeah, be like, hey

Michelle: 25:31 Here’s a Werther’s

Dominic: 25:31 Yeah, exactly. Here’s a Werther’s, Tay, have it. Um, and I, I don’t know. I think that just making everybody like because almost anybody can be, um, a celebrity now just, it almost works in reverse too. Like, if you’re not a celebrity, you could potentially be somebody very popular because you’re on social media and you’re just somebody doing something you like in your, in your basement or your upper room and then you’re, you’re somebody. And I think that I think that people want to just be real with everybody. So anyway, to kinda go

Brandi: 26:05 Can I call my office an upper room.

Michelle: 26:08 Ooo yeah

Brandi: 26:08 Cause that sounds really fancy.

Joelle: 26:10 Yeah, I like it.

Brandi: 26:10 I mean, it is upstairs, so

Michelle: 26:14 I think you should, he’s like, sure.

Brandi: 26:16 He’s like Brandi, you do whatever you want. You do what you want, pal. I Dunno. Well, so in, in that, um, so would you say that she was like your favorite guest and, and also your favorite moment or just like your favorite guest?

Dominic: 26:32 She was my favorite. She was my favorite guests. My favorite moment would have to be, um, how I hijacked the playlist with the Halloween theme because

Michelle: 26:44 It still gets me.

Brandi: 26:45 Yeah. We’ll be listening, I’ll be listening to the Design Speaks podcast playlist and all of a sudden it’s like the Halloween theme song. I’m like, who the heck? Oh yeah

Dominic: 26:55 Yeah, yeah. See that’s, that’s something that, uh, you know, that was intentional because I knew that, I knew that it was like, all right, I was going to sabotage a playlist. This is how it would be, but it wouldn’t, it wasn’t like something, that like also that I would hate myself. I’m like, no, no, I’m going to, I would be into this. So it’s, it’s fun. It’s like a performance art. It’s like the dude from Empire Records. It’s just gluing coins to the floor in the back room.

Brandi: 27:23 Oh, are you AJ? Are you AJ in this situation?

Dominic: 27:23 I’m like, you can’t, you don’t, I don’t need to explain my art to you. This is great

Brandi: 27:31 Warren. I don’t have to explain my art to you, Warren.

Dominic: 27:32 Yeah, exactly.

Brandi: 27:34 Oh, I love that you just brought Empire Records into this episode

Dominic: 27:36 Hey, I gotta

Brandi: 27:36 It makes it even better.

Dominic: 27:38 I got to come correct. You know, cause I, I kind of missed, uh, Rex Manning Day this year cause there was a lot going on in April. Um

Brandi: 27:46 We need to have a Rex Manning Day party.

Dominic: 27:50 Yes, yes

Brandi: 27:50 Well, thank you so much, Dom, for, I’m sorry I call you Dom. You prefer Dominic, Dominic Sedillo. Thank you for joining us.

Dominic: 27:58 Oh yeah

Brandi: 27:58 We appreciate it. We’re going to have you on, some more soon in the future. But um

Michelle: 28:03 Until then I want to give you a way to shout out some of your stuff. Where can people find you?

Dominic: 28:09 Uh, well you can find me on Instagram or Twitter @Dominicsedillo or @Dominicsedilloillustrator. I have two handles I think or you can find my latest

Brandi: 28:20 Spell your last name cause not everyone’s from New Mexico, so,

Dominic: 28:23 Oh that’s right. It’s a S E D I L L O. You’ll probably say it, Sedillo, if you’re trying to pronounce it phonetically, but if you go to, um, a, that’s a Um, I have a couple of books that were recently published this year and last year. Uh, and I would really appreciate it if you go check it out. Brandi can probably tell you more once I hang up because I know that she bought a book for sure.

Brandi: 28:54 I did. I did. I own all of your books, I believe. Yeah, there you go. And then a Michelle, go ahead and put it in the notes.

Michelle: 29:01 Yeah, I’ll actually, it’s Joelle.

Brandi: 29:02 Joelle, Joelle

Michelle: 29:03 Stop. Don’t, don’t put that on me

Joelle: 29:08 Yeah, that’s what I do now.

Brandi: 29:08 Joelle’s our show notes and transcription producer.

Dominic: 29:11 Oh, hey, congratulations

Michelle: 29:12 She’s, put she’s putting in the hard work.

Joelle: 29:14 Yeah

Dominic: 29:14 All right. Good job, good job

Joelle: 29:15 I’m not just the random cheerleader anymore.

Dominic: 29:19 Random cheerleader. Last, last shout out. I’ll go ahead and uh, by uh, Carly Rae Jepsen’s new album Dedicated on iTunes.

Brandi: 29:29 I’m rolling.

Dominic: 29:29 Or on vinyl

Michelle: 29:30 Dominic. Hold on. I was thinking about you last night because I was looking through these random Instagram posts and I know a guy who has this roommate who was Carly Rae Jepsen’s backup singer.

Dominic: 29:43 What? What?

Michelle: 29:44 Three? Yeah. Like I am four steps away for four degrees to meet and Carly Rae Jepsen.

Dominic: 29:50 I’m, so it, well I’m going to be one degree soon because of me and my wife are going to actually meet and greet her in August.

Michelle: 29:57 No Way.

Dominic: 29:59 Yeah I think I’m gonna lose it

Michelle: 29:59 Dreams do come true.

Dominic: 30:01 Yeah, it does. It really everybody, everything you want in life will come true. If you just believe,

Brandi: 30:07 If you just ask Leatrice, yourself to be a guest on your show

Michelle: 30:10 When you wish upon a star.

Dominic: 30:12 Exactly. Exactly. Truth Hashtag truth. All right,

Brandi: 30:16 Well thank you.

Dominic: 30:16 I’ll talk to you guys later

Brandi: 30:16 Thank you for being on again. Have a great day.

Dominic: 30:20 You too. Bye Bye.

Brandi: 30:21 Bye.

Hugh: 30:26 There’s some coffee shops that really promote, um, creek. Hello?

Brandi: 30:29 Hello. Coffee shops.

Hugh: 30:31 Yeah, I’m listening to a podcast called Design Speaks.

Michelle: 30:34 Oh, that voice and I was like, that sounds familiar.

Brandi: 30:40 Are you doing your homework.

Hugh: 30:41 Oh, my homework is A plus work.

Brandi: 30:46 This is Hugh Weber. Welcome back to your favorite show.

Hugh: 30:51 It’s so great to be here.

Brandi: 30:53 So Michelle is here and Joelle is also on with us today for the hundredth episode.

Joelle: 30:58 Yes.

Hugh: 31:00 Hi Joelle. Hi Michelle.

Michelle: 31:01 Hello. Thank you for being here.

Brandi: 31:05 So

Hugh: 31:05 Always a pleasure.

Brandi: 31:06 We’re just going to jump right into it. We wanted, we wanted to ask, um, our special guests, um, kind of what are your, what had been like your favorite standout moments from the podcast? If you’ve had any favorite like interviews or guests, yours counts if you want to say yours was your favorite, um, anything you’ve learned or been surprised by, anything we just kind of want, want your thoughts on how these last hundred episodes have been for you?

Hugh: 31:32 So this is, this is tricky. I’m out of breath. I’m so excited. I mean I thought for a second, but I was going to say the discussion about La La Land in episode two or maybe when Brandi brought Chainsmokers Paris and episode five Oh man, sooner I consider briefly the process episodes 83, 84, 86, 89, 90, and 92

Brandi: 31:57 Look at you! Holy moly

Hugh: 31:57 But no, no, no. Those episodes all paled in comparison to the three that I chose.

Brandi: 32:03 Okay. I can’t wait. I cannot wait to work. This is like extra credit right here.

Hugh: 32:10 Indeed. So I think the first one that jumps out to me was episode seven which I think was titled Never Trust Your First Idea. I don’t know if you remember this conversation months ago. I’ve affectionately nicknamed this episode question everything

Brandi: 32:24 Oh nice

Hugh: 32:24 But, but I think this was a, it was a really good focus just on this idea that that kind of first instinct and impulse, you find a lot of designers and creatives that fall in love with ideas and I like this idea of never trust your first idea instead of a more kind of cliche of like kill your darlings. Right? Like it’s much more

Brandi: 32:49 Less violent

Hugh: 32:49 More positive, yeah, much more positive way of looking at the same phenomenon of like don’t, don’t fall in love with the first thing that kind of comes across, comes across the the note pad or comes across your mind. Uh, the second episode that jumps to mind for me is episode 42, which you’ll of course remember was called why, why collecting things is important or Aka don’t trust the designer who doesn’t collect.

Brandi: 33:13 Yep yep

Hugh: 33:16 I’m a huge collector myself and I think that the collections we have to tell a story about us, but they also are the raw ingredients of ideas that are in the, if design is about solving problems through connection, then you better have a whole lot of things to connect. So one of the mantras I have personally is this idea of collecting and back as an iterative process of like continue to bring in new people, places, ideas, uh, uh, uh, you know, colors, instincts, shapes. So that when it comes to that stage of connecting things that you have a lot of options too, to start from.

Brandi: 33:52 Yeah. When you get to the the word map and you’re trying to make connections, they will be there.

Hugh: 33:57 That’s right. That’s right. And then the third episode, which is more, I think it was, uh, it was just a tidbit that, that, that, that stuck with me is episode 63, which was how to define your audience. But it was this idea and it was a single line. There was this idea that the client isn’t necessarily the audience, it isn’t necessarily the target. It is on who you’re telling that kind of target story about. It’s that person on the other end who you’re actually designing for the user, the client, the customer, not necessarily Sara Lee, the person that’s paying, paying the bills.

Brandi: 34:31 Right! Which is hard

Hugh: 34:31 That’s right. That’s right.

Brandi: 34:35 Oh my goodness. That makes me feel like, so I have no words. I’m like really flattered and happy in my little heart right now.

Michelle: 34:42 I just want you to know that that is A plus work and you’ve ruined the curve for everyone else. So

Joelle: 34:48 I feel like I was not prepared at all and I’m part of this team.

Hugh: 34:53 So, so the last thing that I’ll say is that one of the things I really love about the podcast and the conversations that are contained is often the balance, especially early. And I feel like I feel like you can go a little old school and bring some of this back, but especially early, a lot of the balance was on the conversation, on the things you were sharing, even more so than the design, right? Like there’s some episodes where over two-thirds of the conversation has nothing to do with the topic.

Michelle: 35:20 We just want to have a show. We just kind of talk about our feelings.

Hugh: 35:25 I think that’s what makes it absolutely unique is there are a lot of design podcasts, there are a lot of design conversations, but the, the two, two and a half, three of you, Joelle, you’re three, so three of you, um, bring something that’s uniquely you and something that no one else can bring. And I think that that, that is a value that shouldn’t be overlooked. That the design expertise is, is brilliant of course. But, um, that the conversation you’re having is really what makes this special.

Brandi: 35:52 Oh my goodness. You know what, we are going to take that to heart because you are such a, you’re such a blessing. Like you know, so many things and uh, you talk to a crazy number of designers all over the country all the time and you work with creatives all the time. So to get that kind of feedback from you just means a lot. And we will, we definitely hear everything you have to say always.

Michelle: 36:18 Yeah. And for those who did not listen to the episode that we had Hugh on, I encourage you, go back and listen to it, um, for just a little bit. Can you tell people who you are, what you do and what you’re about, Hugh?

Hugh: 36:30 Yeah, that’s great. Uh, I’m Hugh Weber a home is a here in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but I, most of my work happens throughout the country. I serve as creative counsel for a number of creative directors, designers, filmmakers, storytellers helping them think about their careers, their, their relationships of influenced the stories they tell and the and the aspirations they have for themselves personally and more collectively. For the community around them.

Michelle: 36:56 I love it.

Brandi: 36:57 That’s a great elevator pitch. I need to work on mine

Michelle: 36:59 I need to work on mine too. Geez, they’re like, what do you do? And I’m like, I do a lot. I don’t know. Um,

Joelle: 37:04 Oh yeah, same.

Hugh: 37:06 I’ve got one more editorial note if I can offer it

Michelle: 37:09 Please.

Brandi: 37:09 Obviously yes.

Michelle: 37:11 Do

Hugh: 37:11 Michelle, much more Justin Bieber. You need to bring much more, Justin Bieber

Michelle: 37:17 See, here’s the thing, Hugh, He hasn’t been very active in the music community. He’s trying to get his life together. I think he’s doing an all right job. He got married to Haley. She’s not Haley Bieber. She took his last name and he’s just getting back on the music scene right now. I think he has an album coming out soon. I’m not, Justin, I need you to hear me when I say this. I think you’re a great musician and you have a lot going for you. I wasn’t a fan of the latest song, so I’m not bringing it. I’m not bringing it to Design Speaks this time

Brandi: 37:43 It doesn’t meet our caliber. Okay.

Hugh: 37:46 Don’t, don’t be afraid to go old school, don’t be afraid to, to bring back the old.

Michelle: 37:50 That’s good.

Hugh: 37:52 What the three of you are doing is extraordinary. I hope you’ll keep doing it, I hope more people will listen. It’s a special part of, of the week. Uh, when an episode pops up in my, uh, my iPod, uh, I, oh gosh what is it called?

Brandi: 38:08 iTunes podcast. Podcast app? I don’t know nobody knows.

Michelle: 38:12 It’s okay. The other, the other day I said, oh, I was filming this thing like, like videotaping. And I was like, oh my gosh

Brandi: 38:20 I said videotaping too!

Michelle: 38:20 I looked at my phone. I’m like, what year is it?

Joelle: 38:22 Oh my gosh.

Brandi: 38:24 Gosh, it’s okay. I just, I got, yeah, I got a Polaroid camera for Christmas and I, my, my daughter just had like a, a water slide party in the backyard with one of those slip and slides and I went over to the kids with my Polaroid, took a picture of the kids with the Polaroid. So it’s okay.

Hugh: 38:38 Amazing.

Michelle: 38:39 Going back, we’re going back to easier days to better times.

Brandi: 38:44 Well, Joelle, do you have anything you would like to ask Hugh because you are super sad that you hadn’t been able to talk to him until today and you haven’t said a word, so this is your chance.

Joelle: 38:52 I don’t really have anything to ask him. I’m just happy he’s following me on Instagram.

Michelle: 38:58 She noticed.

Joelle: 38:59 Yes, I noticed

Hugh: 39:00 It was a special moment for me too.

Joelle: 39:04 Awe, thank you

Brandi: 39:04 All right, well thank you so much for bringing such specific memories and feedback and you’re honestly like better than us. I’m like, I don’t know that one episode where we recorded with Scott Belsky was pretty cool. I don’t remember which one it is. You guys can search, you know how to use a search bar like

Joelle: 39:20 I’m like, I had to scroll through to figure out which ones I liked best

Michelle: 39:25 And I’m just like trying to sound confident. And I’m like this episode though, as soon as I, yeah, it’s this one. We talked about episode 86 it was episode 86

Hugh: 39:34 You, you all are the talent. You need to leave the favorite episodes up to the fans. Right?

Brandi: 39:39 Hey!

Michelle: 39:39 Thank you, sir.

Brandi: 39:40 That’s what we’re going to go with.

Michelle: 39:42 Yes.

Brandi: 39:42 Thank you.

Michelle: 39:43 That’s it.

Brandi: 39:44 All right, Hugh, well you have a wonderful rest of your weekend and thank you so much for celebrating this really special occasion with us.

Hugh: 39:51 Indeed, congratulations. Have a great afternoon.

Brandi: 39:53 Thanks. You too. Bye Bye.

Hugh: 39:55 Yup. Bye Bye.

Brandi: 39:58 Well that was episode 100. I hope it wasn’t disappointing for anybody.

Michelle: 40:05 No, I wasn’t. No one’s disappointed.

Brandi: 40:06 I’m always just like, I have the, I had this huge image in my head that it would be like some party on the air, but I’m pretty excited about how it turned out.

Michelle: 40:14 I like imagine like when we think it’s going to be something big that there’s like mascots, like dancing around and

Joelle: 40:21 Balloons everywhere.

Michelle: 40:23 Like I’ll just add it in the background. I’ll find some like royalty free things.

Joelle: 40:30 Oh gosh yeah, like I think of like Parks and Rec with Ann’s first day on the job and her office to just full of balloons.

Brandi: 40:35 That’s what I wanted you guys, where are my balloons? They can see on the video, there are no balloons here.

Michelle: 40:39 You don’t know that you can’t, you can only see what’s in front of the screen. I mean lens, what is it?

Brandi: 40:45 A lens?

Michelle: 40:46 Sure. In frame

Joelle: 40:48 Yeah

Michelle: 40:50 Whatever.

Brandi: 40:50 Um, feel free to send balloons to. Just kidding

Michelle: 40:54 Us if you want. Oh, you can do like sending gifs.

Brandi: 40:57 I know. Yeah. Oh yeah. Send us gifs.

Joelle: 40:59 Oh yeah.

Brandi: 41:00 DM us gifs guys.

Michelle: 41:01 Hey

Joelle: 41:01 Parks and Rec, is my favorite, so send me all of them.

Michelle: 41:04 Okay. Sounds good. I still haven’t seen it all the way through.

Brandi: 41:08 We’re about to finish it, I think we’re like three episodes away from finishing.

Joelle: 41:11 I’m like, actually I have just watched it for like the fifth time all the way through and I might like it more than The Office now.

Brandi: 41:16 Wow.

Michelle: 41:17 Have you watched How I Met Your Mother?

Joelle: 41:18 Yes.

Michelle: 41:19 Okay. That’s, I’m not expecting you to like, like it more than Parks and Rec. I’m just wondering, have you made that journey yet?

Joelle: 41:25 Yes, Yeah.

Michelle: 41:26 Okay, you’re good then

Brandi: 41:27 They’re like on equal footing for me, I think at this point

Michelle: 41:30 The Office and Parks and Rec

Brandi: 41:31 And Parks and Rec. Yeah.

Joelle: 41:32 Yeah.

Brandi: 41:32 I love, them both. Um, differently.

Michelle: 41:35 Yeah.

Brandi: 41:36 Like you can love to friends but not love them the same.

Joelle: 41:39 Yeah, I’ve heard that if whichever one, The Office or Parks and Rec you watch first. That’s when you like more. And I love The Office, but now I might be changing my mind. I don’t know.

Michelle: 41:48 See, that’s okay. That’s okay. No judgment. This is a no judgment zone. We’re all God’s children

Joelle: 41:52 Ok, thanks. I appreciate it

Brandi: 41:54 Unless it’s design and then you’re being judged, okay.

Joelle: 41:56 Yeah. I thought like I was betraying myself.

Michelle: 41:58 No, don’t even feel that way. But thank you so much for joining us on the 100th episode.

Joelle: 42:03 I was happy to be here.

Michelle: 42:04 Yeah. And thank you for everyone for listening to our 100th episode.

Brandi: 42:09 So Michelle, you got a, a review, some thoughts from a listener.

Michelle: 42:13 Yes, a personal review. I don’t, I can’t, I think her name is Jullene, j. J. U. L. L. E. N. E. Jullene. She messaged me on Instagram and she said, Hey Michelle, I’m really enjoying your and Brandi, yours and Brandi’s podcast. Not just for the design aspect, but because you to have great personalities in good humor. I’m listen, thank you. By the way, like thanks for appreciating out humor.

Brandi: 42:34 I just always wanted to be funny. I’m serious. I try so hard. Like some people are really just naturally funny. And what are the things that Kenny said he loved about me when we were doing our marriage class? Was that like I make him laugh and I was like, I’m funny.

Michelle: 42:49 I’m funny.

Joelle: 42:51 Makes me think of Carla from Scrubs. I’m like, I’m funny, dang it. Cuz that’s me. I’m like, I don’t think I’m funny.

Michelle: 42:57 You’re funny. You’re funny. I in uh, in, it was probably like a year and a half ago, this guy was quitting. I was, I worked with him and he was like, so Michelle, how does it feel to be the funniest guy in the office once I’m gone? And I’m like, that’s too much to live up to. I’m not taking that. Don’t put that on me. So she said you two have and good humor. I’m listening to episode 30 and I love how you defined with emphasis. Not once but twice. My husband Kelly, my husband Kelly, happy Friday Julene. So thank you so much, Julian, for your feedback. Like, we love that you guys listen and reach out to us and tell us what you like. Maybe you need something, you’re like, hey, you could do this instead. Um, and if you have any questions, we love that.

Brandi: 43:35 Yeah, and I still have a few posters. If you screenshot that you are sharing this podcast, I still have a few to give out. So if you want one you better share. And so Joelle, where can people find us?

Joelle: 43:50 Well Brandi, you can find us on all forms of social media via @brandisea you can spell your name

Brandi: 43:56 B. R A. N D. I. S. E. A.

Joelle: 44:00 Yes. And if you want to send us an email with your feedback, you can email us.

Brandi: 44:03

Joelle: 44:05 Yes, I’m like, if you get any value from this little show of ours, it would be amazing if you would give us a review and a five stars on iTunes or share an episode with your friends. Huge thanks to Vesperteen as always for his brilliant music in our podcast. Once again, check out the show notes

Brandi: 44:20 The show notes that Joelle so expertly produces

Joelle: 44:22 Yes. And the transcription that I do and have fun with every week.

Michelle: 44:27 You have so much fun with it.

Joelle: 44:29 I do. It’s more fun than you might think it will be

Brandi: 44:31 You always tell me this week I was just with my headphones laughing alone on the couch and I felt really weird.

Michelle: 44:36 It’s like, they’re idiots. But you get to laugh at us. You’re the first person that gets to laugh at us.

Joelle: 44:41 Yeah, maybe that’s why I love it.

Michelle: 44:43 It’s true, it’s true. I love it. Well, thank you again so much, Joelle. And uh, I look forward to our 101st episode coming up next week.

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