
Podcasts I’m Loving Right Now

I know I haven’t been super consistent with my blog posts and I apologize for that. There’s so much going on that I share on my podcast but I still want you guys to get some useful content through the blog. I love podcasts and I wanted to make a quick list of the podcasts I’m loving right now and share them with you.
Obviously I had to start this post out with my own podcast. Besides the fact that it’s my brainchild, I really do think that our podcast has some really unique elements to it.
Why I Love it:
  1. It’s conversations about creativity and design led by two women
  2. It incorporates a pro designer and a non-designer which brings unique perspective
  3. We talk about what’s inspiring us, especially music, but also movies and pop culture
Why I Love it:
  1. He has a way of speaking truth about ambition and success in a way I have never experienced before
  2. The content is always fresh, engaging, relevant, and insightful (as well as entertaining)
  3. His energy is contagious and convicting when it comes to the hows and whys of achieving your goals
Why I Love it:
  1. Roman Mars has such a cool vibe-y (I know, that’s not a word) voice
  2. He has brought all sorts of design to the forefront of people’s lives and made it as interesting to everyone as it is to us “design geeks”
  3. The way he digs deep into everything from baseball field design to the photographer of Bauhaus and everything in between
Why I Love it:
  1. It’s such a cool behind-the-scenes look at innovators, makers, and entrepreneurs and their ventures
  2. The people and stories are so varied and all contain incredible “aha” moments
  3. Guy Raz (the host) always has really interesting questions that get behind every single person and their journeys
Why I Love it:
  1. I’m a Shakespeare geek
  2. They explore all sorts of things that relate to Shakespeare, from historical to current day
  3. It’s a really fun way to experience the impact on the world that Shakespeare has had
Why I Love it:
  1. The interesting conversations they have about random news
  2. The guys that host the show have such hilarious chemistry
  3. I always learn about new music that I usually love
Why I Love it:
  1. His chill interview/conversational style
  2. The guests he has are interesting and varied
  3. It’s kind of fun to hear a famous person interview other famous people
Why I Love it:
  1. She’s Debbie Milllman, I mean she’s a legend
  2. Her podcast has been around for over 10 years and she still continues to put out great content
  3. The interviews she has with creatives have been such an inspiration for me creatively
What are your favorite podcasts? Thanks for reading and I hope you like these!



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