BrandiSea Design Studio

Because your design won't direct itself.

Michelle and Brandi have a pretty big announcement. There’s going to be some disruption and discomfort and definitely some growth for this podcast, so stay tuned! 

Brandi’s Week:

Brandi was having some intense flare up pain from her surgeries and things that happened last year. That however didn’t hold her back and she finished her Alice book cover this week. You can go check that out on her instagram it you haven’t seen it already. And be on the lookout for a future episode covering her process and inspiration for that book cover. Brandi also has finished some client work for a musician which was a huge step for her. She used a different technique of painting over pictures and using her own handwriting. All together it came out amazing! 

Michelle’s Week:

Michelle and her coworkers are finally getting their new offices! Yay! Michelle has also been doing great with her Body Pump workouts and she is beginning to see results. Now Michell’s goal is to get Brandi to go with her. Michelle also incorporates the enneagram into her workouts and she uses her essential oils after working out. All of her podcast obsessions are coming together. She’s also been listening to a lot of podcasts recently but she did listen to the new Kanye album and she is a fan.

Takeaways from this episode:

  • Hard things are hard but worth it
  • You get the work that you show to the world
  • Change doesn’t mean something can’t still be awesome
  • You can’t make your best work if you are comfortable all the time

Brandi’s song: Dreamgirl by LA WREN

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Thank You

to the ultra-talented  Vesperteen (Colin Rigsby) for letting us use his (“Shatter in The Night”) track in every episode of Design Speaks.

Speaker 1: 00:01 Welcome to Design Speaks. This lovely podcast is brought to you by a graphic design geek and a regular human being. AKA a non-designer. We're here to chat about music, pop culture, cool places, and basically whatever we feel is relevant.

Brandi Sea: 00:17 Hey, I'm Brandi Sea.

Michelle: 00:18 And I'm Michelle.

Brandi Sea: 00:19 And you're listening to episode 122 of Design Speaks.

Michelle: 00:23 On today's episode we will be talking about the un-fun thing of discomfort and growth. How it's like, not fun, but you know, whatever.

Brandi Sea: 00:33 I mean there are benefits.

Michelle: 00:33 There are benefits.

Brandi Sea: 00:35 There is growth that can come from discomfort and that's what we're going to be talking about.

Michelle: 00:39 Yes. And that kind of goes straight into my week.

Brandi Sea: 00:44 Okay. So why don't you go first. Um, so this week at work, lots of work, lots and lots and lots of work. Um, which is great job security. Thank you so much. Um, but also the fun thing is that we are getting our new offices on Monday.

Brandi Sea: 01:03 I visited with Kenny yesterday.

Michelle: 01:05 They look good don't they?

Brandi Sea: 01:05 Yeah. I was like, Kenny, you don't have a window. And he was like, well Jeff wanted a window more than I did and I don't mind artificial light and he does. So I was like, you're so kind sweetie.

Michelle: 01:15 Yeah I didn't, I don't have a window either.

Brandi Sea: 01:17 Taking a bullet.

Michelle: 01:18 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 01:18 I would have been like, sorry I need a window.

Michelle: 01:20 Yeah. And part of me was like, I just want to be as close to the bathroom.

Brandi Sea: 01:25 That's what he said. He was like, so Michelle chose her office location because of its proximity to the bathroom.

Michelle: 01:31 I drink so much water, I'm wasting so much time.

Brandi Sea: 01:35 I'm like, they just need to put it like a slide a shoot down from your.

Michelle: 01:37 I requested one, I requested it and it did not happen.

Brandi Sea: 01:41 Straight into your on stall.

Michelle: 01:43 Yeah, thank you. Like that's so gross. Can you imagine somebody who's like there and I'm like, get out!

Brandi Sea: 01:47 This is my stall don't you know?

Michelle: 01:50 Literally move. And so that's happening on Monday and I'm very excited. Um, so that's the good part. Cause we were all, you know, thrown off our game and had to move out of our offices and then they rebuilt everything, which is so cool. But like it's been kind of like a different type of few months while they've been doing that and I say few months like literally it's been two months since they did this so they worked like crazy people to get this, these offices done and built. I will say they are not soundproof in the slightest in the slightest so it was like all right,

Brandi Sea: 02:26 You wouldl.

Michelle: 02:27 No private conversations in these offices.

Brandi Sea: 02:28 Yeah. You would think that they would put something like, wasn't that part of the point? Was so you guys could have a little bit more privacy when you're working.

Michelle: 02:34 Yeah, but it doesn't work with sound. It's not going to be with sound. It's, I mean I know.

Brandi Sea: 02:39 Isn't that part of the majority of needing privacy is the sound.

Michelle: 02:43 They're like, we're going to put insulation in and I mean the maintenance team did an amazing job like they did all of this. They did what they were supposed to. They went above and beyond, but they didn't make the plans, you know?

Brandi Sea: 02:52 Maybe there's some like leftover sound proofing stuff from the studio that you guys can put up in thee walls.

Michelle: 02:56 Well we can put up like sound panels. But that doesn't proof that absorbed sound that's happening in there.

Brandi Sea: 03:01 But that does help, right?

Michelle: 03:02 No.

Brandi Sea: 03:02 No?

Michelle: 03:03 It doesn't, it doesn't block out sound at all.

Brandi Sea: 03:04 Shows what I know.

Michelle: 03:05 So yeah I know it's two different ways, but it's, it's fine. Like I have zero complaints. Um, just wanted to let everyone know they're not soundproof. So if you ever in my office, don't say anything private, everyone can hear it. Um, so that was fun. But I've also been doing this thing for a few months called body pump.

Brandi Sea: 03:25 You've already talked about it like four times.

Michelle: 03:27 But here's this, here's the thing.

Brandi Sea: 03:29 We all know you do body pump. Okay CrossFit.

Michelle: 03:32 You can finally see.

Brandi Sea: 03:32 I mean BodyPump girl.

Michelle: 03:33 It's not CrossFit, it's body pump. It's better for you. And um, but like I'm finally seeing results. So I did, I did body pump twice this week, which is, I usually do it once.

Brandi Sea: 03:45 You did it twice in one day didn't, you?

Michelle: 03:47 No. So one time I went to CR to CrossFit, Grit, which is the closest to CrossFit you can get, um, which is, which is I just high intensity working out. Um, I did grit and then I did body pump like back to back and it was really hard. Like it was really, really hard. But the results are so great to see.

Brandi Sea: 04:14 Hard things.

Michelle: 04:14 Hard things are hard. Yep. And worth it. So I mean you could, why don't you put that on like the next like slide that you make the like graphic.

Brandi Sea: 04:25 My next lettering thing.

Michelle: 04:26 Hard things are hard but worth it.

Brandi Sea: 04:29 Okay. Done and done.

Michelle: 04:32 Um, and it's, it's been a lot of fun. I'm trying to get currently trying to get you to go to it cause I'm trying to get Brandi to go to this with me because it's not jazzercise. It's not Richard Simmons. You're not wearing like weird workout clothing and like jumping and stepping.

Brandi Sea: 04:47 I mean it's not the clothing that I care about.

Michelle: 04:49 It's definitely also not the routines at all. Like you're not dancing.

Brandi Sea: 04:54 I'm like I am I in drill team? All of a sudden like this is not the kind of workout I feel like.

Michelle: 04:59 I actually know someone who coaches Jazzercise and she is, has lost so much weight. Like she started out as just attending.

Brandi Sea: 05:09 I'm not saying it doesn't work.

Michelle: 05:10 It's not for me though.

Brandi Sea: 05:11 It just is awkward.

Michelle: 05:13 We have, the thing, I, I've said this off air but it's like they got, they play fun music like cool music that, you know, some of it you don't, but it's all like, like the beat is going to drop type music. So it's like adrenaline, get your like get up and do something type of music. Um, and the, the coaches are so much fun. They say like really funny things that are not about the song, but they incorporate the song into what they're saying.

Brandi Sea: 05:42 I wonder if they have like a script?

Michelle: 05:44 They do have a script. So it's a lot like, like Kelly's job. Like I told Kelly, my husband, I told Kelly, you could totally teach body pump because you do this weekly. Like you follow a script and act like it's coming from your heart. And he was like, I can teach BodyPump.

Brandi Sea: 06:00 Ouch.

Michelle: 06:00 But he, you know, sometimes it's coming from his heart, but sometimes he's like, that sounds script, but he has to do that. And so people who are coaching also, and the, of course they're going to be some people out there, like why are you just now finding out about this? Like BodyPumps been around forever. I know, I'm sorry, I'm slow to the game.

Brandi Sea: 06:17 I mean we, we are friends with someone who has been doing this for years.

Michelle: 06:21 But I literally thought she was doing Jazzercise, so.

Brandi Sea: 06:24 I didn't, I just didn't, I just knew it was to some sort of routine.

Michelle: 06:29 And that's not a knock at Jazzercise. It's not, it's just not for me. You know, like Jazzercise is fine. Richard Simmons is really cool.

Brandi Sea: 06:37 He's fine. Just kidding.

Michelle: 06:39 He's fine. When he was, when he was out doing Jazzercise.

Brandi Sea: 06:43 In the 80's.

Michelle: 06:43 And not being in his home all of the time, like people loved it. So I get it. But, so I'm doing it. I'm.

Brandi Sea: 06:52 It's like the Thigh Master. People love it.

Michelle: 06:54 Thigh Master, I remember those deep. They were like, VHS's, Oh my gosh. Um, but I'm just finally seeing results and I'm really excited. So I'm like, my pants fit, hooray!

Brandi Sea: 07:05 I'll keep you updated after I go next weekend, this weekend, whatever. It's this weekend. Next coming weekend.

Michelle: 07:11 This next Saturday.

Brandi Sea: 07:12 Yeah.

Michelle: 07:13 Um, and I think, I think you'll really like it. It's group fitness, Brandi group fitness is where it's at because I can not just go, I like you have a bike. I could, I would never sit on that bike and ride it. I would never ride that bike.

Brandi Sea: 07:28 I do though.

Michelle: 07:28 I wouldn't.

Brandi Sea: 07:29 Like five or six times a week usually.

Michelle: 07:31 And see that's, that's good. I don't have that motivation. I won't ever go to the gym and just be on the floor like I have. I have had gym membership for literally group fitness as this point.

Brandi Sea: 07:39 I don't really like gym things though.

Michelle: 07:41 I hate going to the gym, like going to the floor and seeing these people. I can't do it.

Brandi Sea: 07:46 I'll work. I'll work out at home by myself. And,

Michelle: 07:49 And my problem is that like, I don't know what to do with any of this equipment, but I know how to start the treadmill, but I don't want to run, you know?

Brandi Sea: 07:56 So this gives you some sort of direction.

Michelle: 07:58 This gives me direction.

Brandi Sea: 07:59 And accountability.

Michelle: 08:00 Oh my gosh, the accountability is real. So my friend.

Brandi Sea: 08:03 Are you about to be my accountability?

Michelle: 08:05 I am, I'm going to get you there and then I'm going to make sure that you either sign up with me or you start going to our friends.

Brandi Sea: 08:12 Okay.

Michelle: 08:13 Because if you're paying for it, you might as well go.

Brandi Sea: 08:15 Well if I'm paying for it, I will go.

Michelle: 08:18 Exactly, exactly.

Brandi Sea: 08:20 Is body pump your new Enneagram.

Michelle: 08:22 No, I, I, I incorporated the Enneagram into my body pump and I use my essential oils.

Brandi Sea: 08:29 Oh my gosh.

Michelle: 08:30 After I'm done working out here. Pan away, here I come.

Brandi Sea: 08:33 The three things that Michelle in the history of this podcast Michelle has been.

Michelle: 08:37 All about.

Brandi Sea: 08:37 All about just like came in to one.

Michelle: 08:40 Yep. And then other than that, I've just been, I haven't been listening to a lot of music, a lot of podcasts. This,

Brandi Sea: 08:46 You did listen to Kanye.

Michelle: 08:48 I listened to the new.

Brandi Sea: 08:48 Let's just be real. I listened to the new Kanye album.

Brandi Sea: 08:51 And you are a fan.

Michelle: 08:52 I love gospel music. So I'm a fan because hearing this, a crowd of powerful singers, I get chills.

Brandi Sea: 09:00 Yeah. Well, you were in a choir. So I get it.

Michelle: 09:02 Yeah. And I've always loved the gospel track.

Brandi Sea: 09:03 And I have not, I'm not really on that train. So.

Michelle: 09:07 His, I think it's like his second track, Selah Oh my gosh. It's stuck in my head right now. It's so good. It's so good. It's the choir like I think I love, I love Kanye's like flows.

Brandi Sea: 09:19 Mm.

Michelle: 09:20 Um, the, the words he has are good in this album, but I've also heard him like not give a rip about his lyrics and like you just put that, you immortalize that in a recording and sent it around the world Kanye, which he says that he regrets now. Like he regrets some of the stuff he's done and wishes he wants to go back and like change it. And.

Brandi Sea: 09:41 Don't we all regret things we've done or said in the past.

Michelle: 09:44 But it's like, our journey. That's how we get to where we are. So no ragrets.

Brandi Sea: 09:49 Ragrets.

Michelle: 09:50 So you know what I'm talking about, it's the meme. Oh, come on. You know the meme. No ragrets.

Brandi Sea: 09:55 I don't.

Michelle: 09:55 literally, you have to.

Brandi Sea: 09:57 How often have you done this to me? You don't know this pop culture thing, it's like, I don't know what you're talking about.

Michelle: 10:03 Oh my gosh. Okay. Ready for it?

Brandi Sea: 10:04 I guess since this is audio and people can see what we're doing.

Michelle: 10:08 Yeah, it's the meme and everyone's like, Brandi, you know this, you know this, like this guy is real. Oh, here he is. No ragrets.

Brandi Sea: 10:18 Oh, I've, so I've not seen this in particular, but I have seen other versions of this where there's like a tattoo that someone gets that says no regrets and it's just spelled wrong.

Michelle: 10:31 Yeah. No ragrets.

Brandi Sea: 10:34 Forever. Own it.

Michelle: 10:35 Yep. Anyway, that's my week. Uh, how about yours?

Brandi Sea: 10:39 Ah, well as we will talk about, um, very soon, the past weeks have been a lot of change and a lot of interesting things. But this week in particular was, um, I've, I overall my body's been healing like pretty well from all my craziness last year and a half ago.

Michelle: 10:59 If you guys do not know. She had a lot of health problems of year and a half ago. That involved.

Brandi Sea: 11:04 Spontaneous lung collapse and subsequent surgeries.

Michelle: 11:08 A lot of time spent in hospitals and traveling for medical care.

Brandi Sea: 11:12 Yeah. So part of that was that, um, I now have a lot of residual, like intense nerve pain that kinda like flares up now and then, and this week was a, a rather intense flare up. But in spite of that while I was laying around on the couch, I still managed to get some things done.

Michelle: 11:29 Gosh, that's more than I would've done. I would've been like Nope. Sorry I was out all week.

Brandi Sea: 11:33 I finished my Alice cover.

Michelle: 11:35 Yes.

Brandi Sea: 11:36 Finally.

Michelle: 11:36 And it looks so good.

Brandi Sea: 11:38 Yes. So I would really like to go maybe through the process of that at some point.

Michelle: 11:42 Yes.

Brandi Sea: 11:42 And talk about like my inspiration and how I, how I got my concept and all that good stuff. So that was really exciting cause I started it like in May.

Michelle: 11:53 And it is November.

Brandi Sea: 11:55 And I was poking and poking and poking at it.

Michelle: 11:57 Yeah because you didn't want to, it's, it's committing. It's the hard part.

Brandi Sea: 12:01 It was, I literally, I just sat down and I was like, today I'm finishing this.

Michelle: 12:06 Yeah, that's good.

Brandi Sea: 12:07 Like it just needs to be done. And in two days it was finished.

Michelle: 12:09 Done. That's, okay that's like the most nine thing you've ever done. That's my, that's my life always.

Brandi Sea: 12:18 So what does that mean? Because when I'm unhealthy I go to a nine but I actually got something done so it doesn't that make me healthy.

Michelle: 12:25 That gets you there. But like the fact that you procrastinated for June, July, August, September, October, November for six months. That's me. That's me. Always.

Brandi Sea: 12:36 So apparently I have not been healthy for six months. With that project

Michelle: 12:38 With that specific, you're just tapping into your nine like Ugh, don't have to.

Brandi Sea: 12:44 Yeah cause I had other things I was working on, which I also finished another client, a branding client for a dentist, which not exciting but you know.

Michelle: 12:54 But cool.

Brandi Sea: 12:54 You know, pays bills. Um, and you will probably not see that anywhere cause I'm not putting it cause you get the work you show and I don't want any more logos if I don't have to.

Michelle: 13:04 Oh yeah. That's good.

Brandi Sea: 13:06 I'm showing book covers.

Michelle: 13:07 That's a good little tidbit. You get the work you show.

Brandi Sea: 13:09 Yeah.

Michelle: 13:10 Don't show any work you don't want to keep doing.

Brandi Sea: 13:12 Yeah. If you want to get logos, show all sorts of logos. Yeah. If you don't, then don't.

Michelle: 13:17 Don't do it.

Brandi Sea: 13:17 And I'm not anymore.

Michelle: 13:18 Yeah, good job.

Brandi Sea: 13:19 Except for I also, um, so a month ago, so right before we left for Europe, I finished, um, a brand strategy and um, album cover for a musician.

Michelle: 13:29 Oh my gosh.

Brandi Sea: 13:31 And she wasn't launching the song until yesterday, so I had to hold onto it all until yesterday.

Michelle: 13:36 It looks so good.

Brandi Sea: 13:39 So.

Michelle: 13:39 It looks so good.

Brandi Sea: 13:41 I'm so excited. I was real. So anytime, so like I've done music art in the past that's been on Spotify or you know, I've worked on Kelly's stuff before and it's always really exciting when I'm like, I'm going to play it in iTunes. Look, look, it's there. There it is.

Michelle: 13:56 You made this.

Brandi Sea: 13:56 Like it'll be on my Apple car play on the screen or sometimes I'll do it on like the um, iTunes on the Apple TV. So it's like on the TV for a bit.

Michelle: 14:05 Huge.

Brandi Sea: 14:05 And I'm like looking at Kelly's stuff like, Oh my gosh, there it is. So yesterday we were in the car and I put it on for the kids and I was like, look, that's my artwork guys. But for some reason like this one meant like really meant a little bit more because it was the first time I've, I've used this technique that I've been doing for a long time just for fun where I'm painting over photographs.

Michelle: 14:23 Love it.

Brandi Sea: 14:25 And using my own handwriting and stuff and like this was very much like this is my actual voice in this.

Michelle: 14:32 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 14:32 And it was a little scary.

Michelle: 14:33 You found it.

Brandi Sea: 14:34 It was so bizarre.

Michelle: 14:35 You found it. Your voice.

Brandi Sea: 14:36 So it's between that and like these covers that I'm doing for the books that I've been working on. It's in there somewhere. It's like this weird mishmash of like putting it on the computer and making it really clean and nice. Also having like some hand done elements that I did myself.

Michelle: 14:54 That only you can do.

Brandi Sea: 14:55 Which was like, Oh James Victore, you got me here. Somehow.

Michelle: 14:59 There he is. If that's all you take away from that conference and done well worth it.

Brandi Sea: 15:04 Yeah. Yeah. So um, so my song, I actually was going to play a different songs. I'm going to save the one that I was going to bring because hello, I should play this one by the artist that I did the work for.

Michelle: 15:12 Obviously.

Brandi Sea: 15:12 Hello. So her name is Lauren Dekleva, but her, her music name is LA WREN, LA WREN.

Michelle: 15:22 Lauren.

Brandi Sea: 15:22 Which is super cute.

Michelle: 15:24 It is.

Brandi Sea: 15:25 Um, if you want to see like everything that went into this artwork and stuff, just go to my Instagram and um, I will eventually have it up on my website. Cause I'm going to do like a case study, um, of the whole thing. But, uh, the concept for her brand strategy was, um, lovely contradiction. So, um, I'm going to play the site and hopefully you'll kind of get, get the vibe.

Michelle: 15:49 Here we go.

Brandi Sea: 16:51 So there's Lauren. LA WREN.

Michelle: 16:53 LA WREN.

Brandi Sea: 16:55 What do you think?

Michelle: 16:56 Her falsetto like gives me chills. I love the sound, the overall sound of just the entire track. It's got a good feel to it. It's, um, it's just fun overall and I love that we know people who were a part of this.

Brandi Sea: 17:11 Yeah. So our good friend Joey Belville was actually her producer.

Michelle: 17:14 Yes.

Brandi Sea: 17:15 He's the one that referred her to me. He was like, Hey, are you still taking music clients? And I'm like, always!

Michelle: 17:21 Always. Yep.

Brandi Sea: 17:21 And he was like, so I know this is really cool chick and I'm working with her on this project. And she was, she was sort of like doing this acoustic ukulele sound and then she wanted to record some stuff and I brought her in and I heard her voice and I was like,

Michelle: 17:36 Nope, this is more.

Brandi Sea: 17:37 Maybe I should like experiment a little bit. And so he kinda like pushed her into experimenting more with like her voice and her sound.

Michelle: 17:44 Which is what a good producer does.

Brandi Sea: 17:44 Oh my gosh. And she's like a little, a little bit like nostalgic nineties, but also just, I don't know. Really. So. So the concept for her was lovely contradiction because she's like modern and spunky, but also super sweet.

Michelle: 18:01 Oh man.

Brandi Sea: 18:02 And so it was just like so much fun to work with her and she had,

Michelle: 18:06 I'm glad you got this project.

Brandi Sea: 18:06 All the kinds of nice things to say about my work and she's like so stoked and.

Michelle: 18:10 I love it. Yeah. This is a song that I'm definitely going to purchase.

Brandi Sea: 18:14 Yes. You do

Michelle: 18:15 It's so much fun. Um, is it just the single out right now?

Brandi Sea: 18:18 Yes.

Michelle: 18:18 Okay.

Brandi Sea: 18:19 Yeah. Um, so I, I have a contract with her to do her next two singles also and then we're going to reassess and see what, what will happen when she decides to do a full album. But I am at least going to be doing two more album covers with her for, I mean singles.

Michelle: 18:33 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 18:33 So yeah.

Michelle: 18:34 That is awesome. And.

Brandi Sea: 18:35 So that's really exciting.

Michelle: 18:36 Very exciting.

Brandi Sea: 18:37 I know.

Michelle: 18:38 So good.

Brandi Sea: 18:38 It was a, even though the pain was bad, the work was good this week.

Michelle: 18:42 You know.

Brandi Sea: 18:44 So that's a balance in there somewhere.

Michelle: 18:45 Balancing act.

Brandi Sea: 18:47 Um, yeah, so that's basically been my week. Um, we are currently baking.

Michelle: 18:53 Yes, we are baking.

Brandi Sea: 18:54 Oranges.

Michelle: 18:54 Right now. It's like ready, set, bake like great bake w what does it like the British baking show.

Brandi Sea: 18:59 Yeah.

Michelle: 18:59 Oh yeah. But this is going to take, this is going to take a few hours. We decided before we started recording to cut up a bunch of oranges.

Brandi Sea: 19:07 slice, slice them up.

Michelle: 19:07 Slice them and then bake them at a very low heat for three hours. So we can make like cool Garland or Christmas ornaments.

Brandi Sea: 19:17 Some orangy ornaments.

Michelle: 19:19 It's gonna be cool.

Brandi Sea: 19:19 Yeah.

Michelle: 19:19 It's going to be really cool.

Brandi Sea: 19:21 Really fun.

Michelle: 19:21 The only thing we didn't get was the star anise, but I'm not, I don't think I'm going to miss it. You know.

Brandi Sea: 19:25 We'll see.

Michelle: 19:26 Maybe we can get it later. It doesn't.

Brandi Sea: 19:28 Is it something you're supposed to do before.

Michelle: 19:29 No.

Brandi Sea: 19:29 Okay.

Michelle: 19:30 You do it after, so it doesn't really matter. You do it later.

Brandi Sea: 19:32 Whatever. Um, anyway.

Brandi Sea: 19:34 But my, my kitchen smells amazing.

Michelle: 19:35 It's, it's perfect for Fall.

Brandi Sea: 19:38 Slash Christmas.

Michelle: 19:38 Slash Christmas, which I, I have just, okay, hold on. Before we get into the thick of things, I need to tell you that I have just done something that I didn't think I'd ever do and I'm realizing it's okay.

Brandi Sea: 19:52 Please don't say body pump.

Michelle: 19:54 No. To change your opinions and that'd be body pump. I'm just kidding. No, cause I say as you're drinking water.

Brandi Sea: 20:02 Almost spit it out.

Michelle: 20:03 No, it's okay to change your opinions on things. And something that I didn't think I'd ever do was mix Christmas and Thanksgiving. Not that I'm listening to Christmas music.

Brandi Sea: 20:14 Okay.

Michelle: 20:14 But that I'm wanting to put up Christmas decorations because they aren't Christmassy like they're not like red and green likes. I want it to feel a little bit more full in my house for Thanksgiving and I'm thinking we're going to buy a Christmas, a fake Christmas tree. I know, I know.

Brandi Sea: 20:36 Whoa.

Michelle: 20:37 I was looking up fake Christmas trees that are unlit. I don't want the pre-lit because I'm afraid the light bulbs are going to go out and also I don't like how warm they are anyway, so fake Christmas trees that aren't pre-lit at home Depot and I think we're going to buy one.

Brandi Sea: 20:52 Whoa. What prompted this? You guys love going out and finding a Christmas tree every year.

Michelle: 20:55 I don't know. I'm just like, well, okay. Last year we always get our Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving. Last year, that gap was like huge. Thanksgiving to Christmas was more than a month and so.

Brandi Sea: 21:10 Oh yeah, you can't, they don't live that long.

Michelle: 21:12 My tree died and I just went and bought another tree and so I spent like $90 on Christmas trees last year.

Brandi Sea: 21:19 That's part of it. It's like you can have a really beautiful always tree and only spend the money one time.

Michelle: 21:25 And I found a new essential oil site that I'm really liking that I'm going to show you, um, called revive and everything seems kosher with them. Like they seem like they're, or they have, they're doing anything sketchy. They're not putting other things in their oils. Um, it looks like the only difference is they don't have their own farms. Like the other places. Yeah. So they don't have their own farms. They source it from other people. And I bought, um, Douglas Fur.

Brandi Sea: 21:56 Oh, nice.

Michelle: 21:57 Essential oils.

Brandi Sea: 21:57 So you're going to just dump it on there.

Michelle: 21:58 Well dump it on there, put it on like some like sticks in it'll just smell good.

Brandi Sea: 22:02 Yeah, we always buy those little sticks that smell like real trees to like infuse the fake tree.

Michelle: 22:08 Yeah. And so I think I'm just gonna I think we're going to do it. I mentioned it to Kelly this morning and he wrote a sad song about it, so it's really funny.

Brandi Sea: 22:17 Did he?

Michelle: 22:17 Yeah. Like I'm just on his, on my guitar actually. He just picked it up and started singing a sad song about wanting to buy Christmas, a fake Christmas tree this year. And I'm like, it's fine.

Brandi Sea: 22:26 The life of a man who can write music and lyric.

Michelle: 22:29 Not me, it's not me.

Brandi Sea: 22:31 I'm like, I want to sit down and write something really emo, but I'm not a writer like that.

Michelle: 22:36 It's not me. I'm going to go find a song about it right now.

Brandi Sea: 22:38 I know. I'm like, I can write a blog post about my feelings, but it won't sound musical.

Michelle: 22:45 Yeah. So I just wanted to say that really fast.

Brandi Sea: 22:47 That's exciting.

Michelle: 22:48 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 22:48 It is okay to change your mind. I am terrible at that because I feel like I've been so hardcore on something for so long that I'm like betraying myself by changing my mind.

Michelle: 22:57 Right! And that's how I felt and I'm just like, wait, I can grow, I can move forward, I can change and it's okay and no one's gonna. Like if people give me a hard time about it, that's on them.

Brandi Sea: 23:07 Then they give you a hard time and you go, well, sorry, I changed my mind.

Michelle: 23:10 Yeah, exactly. And it's okay. So this episode is a little hard.

Brandi Sea: 23:15 It's really hard. I'm probably not going to cry cause I already did all my crying. I think we'll see. That is TBD.

Michelle: 23:22 T we'll see I guess.

Brandi Sea: 23:24 If you start crying I might start crying. I'll just have to stare out the window and pretend like I can't see you.

Michelle: 23:28 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 23:29 We are actually in the same room today.

Michelle: 23:31 This time.

Brandi Sea: 23:32 Which is necessary.

Michelle: 23:33 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 23:34 Especially for this episode.

Michelle: 23:35 Well we like a recording in the same and usually it's just.

Brandi Sea: 23:37 It's just been hard.

Michelle: 23:38 It's been hard because just life.

Brandi Sea: 23:41 Yeah.

Michelle: 23:41 Busy. Um, but.

Brandi Sea: 23:43 So before I went to Europe.

Michelle: 23:46 After the vow renewal.

Brandi Sea: 23:48 Right after the vow renewal, I got a text from Michelle. And I don't know if you want to say this or if I should say this.

Michelle: 23:55 Um, you can say it.

Brandi Sea: 23:56 Um, I don't remember exactly what the texts said.

Michelle: 23:58 It was long.

Brandi Sea: 23:58 But basically, um, Michelle is going to be leaving the podcast.

Michelle: 24:03 I have decided that with lots of thought and lots of talking it over, lots of mulling it over that it is time for me to move on from design speaks. And not because I hate design speaks, you know, like I, it's why I'm like really solid in this decision and it's something that you and I talked about that um, I'm not moving on from this because of any like.

Brandi Sea: 24:27 Better opportunity.

Michelle: 24:28 Better opportunity or like poor emotions that like make me act out rationally. Like, Oh, Brandi made me mad so now I quit. You know, like it's nothing, I'm just thankful that it's not anything, it's personal but it's not personal. Like it's not like personal.

Brandi Sea: 24:47 Yeah it's personal to you, but it's not personal against anybody or anything specific.

Michelle: 24:50 And so I usually, I'm really bad at making decisions like that. Like I wish that I could make healthy decisions like that more often. But I'm bad at it. So when it happened I was like, Oh my gosh, good job Michelle. Like you've done it, you've done it, now you have to do it. And so that is my, my exit strategy has been, it's been rough you guys. But we've come to the decision that I will be done as of next week.

Brandi Sea: 25:19 So this, after this episode, she will be with us for one more episode.

Michelle: 25:24 And then it's farewell to me. But there are so many good things coming. Um, I know that in December we're going to have a lot design speaks, we'll have a lot, so design speaks is going to have a lot of like really great, um, co-hosts that we'll be guesting and then the new year well bring lots of new things.

Brandi Sea: 25:45 Is guesting a word? I like that.

Michelle: 25:46 Yeah. Guesting they're guesting. So, um, I'm not gonna mention the cohost because we have to verify times with them, but they will be on and they will provide wealths of knowledge because they are all knowledgeable, like, like.

Brandi Sea: 26:02 Well everyone's knowledgeable about something.

Michelle: 26:04 But these guys are like knowledgeable in like this realm. So.

Brandi Sea: 26:08 Yeah. Yeah. So it's, there are lots of good things coming. I am, I'm confident in design speaks and especially Brandi because you've grown so much since the beginning of like being in front of me from like not even being comfortable from hearing to hearing, from hearing your own voice, to being able to go out to wherever you were. And that conference and interviewing people and them being good interviews.

Brandi Sea: 26:35 Were they good?

Michelle: 26:36 Yes.

Brandi Sea: 26:37 Yay.

Michelle: 26:37 Like I wouldn't say that if they weren't, I just would not say anything.

Brandi Sea: 26:42 You wouldn't even bring it up.

Michelle: 26:42 I wouldn't bring it up, but they were good interviews. Like I'm confident that this podcast has places to go with or without me, you know.

Brandi Sea: 26:52 So, um, I also, we're going to move on and talk about like, because of this, like the benefits to discomfort and what you can, what you can gain from, um, growth and, uh, being discontent and things like that. But, um, I also want to be con like vulnerable and honest with you guys that like this was really hard for me when I first got the text from Michelle. I was, I was, I was angry, like to be real. Um, I didn't feel like, um, I was given any,

Michelle: 27:25 Warning.

Brandi Sea: 27:25 Uh, I wasn't prepared. Like I just wasn't prepared. Um, yeah, no warning because, um, Michelle was thinking it on thinking about it on her own and talking about it with her husband, which is totally right and fair, but um, was giving me zero sort of hints as to the fact that she was thinking about leaving. And so it kind of just hit me like a brick wall and I had just like been super busy with like preparing for my vow renewal and trying.

Michelle: 27:49 Which I was not about to ruin, literally not about to ruin.

Brandi Sea: 27:53 Yeah, that was nice.

Michelle: 27:54 Hey, uh while we're putting everything up, I'm, this looks beautiful. I think I'm thinking about design speaks and how it's not going to be a part of my life anymore. Like no.

Brandi Sea: 28:02 Yeah, no. And then, you know, then I was trying to get ready right the week after it was, you know, leaving for Europe and there was a lot to think about and um, it was just, it was like a text and I was like, how could you do this to me? Like, what's wrong with you? And I know just so many things were running through my head and I just had no idea. So we didn't really get to talk about it until about two weeks ago. And, um, by that time I had had time to kind of like.

Michelle: 28:29 Mull it over.

Brandi Sea: 28:30 Yeah really, really think about it and understand where you were coming from and without knowing the reason. And I would like you to talk about the reason, um, it was hard, but then, you know, ultimately I know that this thing is something that is really important to me and I think that it's, it has a lot of value and, um, I don't know where it's going, but I know it's not going anywhere.

Michelle: 28:56 Yes.

Brandi Sea: 28:56 If that makes sense.

Michelle: 28:57 It's not

Brandi Sea: 28:57 it's not going anywhere.

Michelle: 28:58 It's not disappearing. It's moving forward. It's shifting.

Brandi Sea: 29:01 Yeah. And to be, to be real, like I don't know what this format will be in, you know, come January. My goal is to have some sort of a, a good solid, um, idea on like the direction.

Michelle: 29:14 Format.

Brandi Sea: 29:14 Of format. Um, we're going to be changing the intro and changing up a bunch of things. Um, I do know that it's going to be more focused on designers and creatives, um, instead of trying to be what it's been and what it's been really good at up to this point, which is educational for designers and non-designers.

Michelle: 29:32 Which has been hard because I've learned too much. I can't act dumb.

Brandi Sea: 29:37 We were, we were in a, we were in a phase of trying to, um, figure this out together, had Michelle stayed anyways.

Michelle: 29:43 Yeah like what do we do?

Brandi Sea: 29:43 Like really figure out what are we, where are we going now that you are no longer, um, you know.

Michelle: 29:49 Like I know

Brandi Sea: 29:51 Ignorant to all this.

Michelle: 29:51 I know hierarchy is so.

Brandi Sea: 29:53 Yeah.

Michelle: 29:53 I know what a good design looks like and sometimes I can even figure out why.

Brandi Sea: 29:58 Right. Which means I've done my job and that makes me really happy. So, um, yeah, I, it was hard and it's still hard at times when I think about like doing this.

Michelle: 30:08 It's overwhelming. It's a big task.

Brandi Sea: 30:10 It's not even just so much that it's just like, this has always been us from the beginning. Oh gosh, I'm going to cry now.

Michelle: 30:18 It's okay.

Brandi Sea: 30:19 But it's been really good.

Michelle: 30:21 It has.

Brandi Sea: 30:21 And we've made it really amazing. And with your help, I've been able to figure out how to be better at this. Um, and I still can't edit worth where's the beans? I don't know for beans, I don't know how you would say that. Like I can't edit very well, so poor my husband is going to take up that mantle for the moment.

Michelle: 30:41 Then, he's going to realize that it's so fast. So especially when it's.

Brandi Sea: 30:44 Well no he know he's,

Michelle: 30:45 He knows, he knows. He does this daily.

Brandi Sea: 30:47 If I edit an episode of the podcast, it takes me 12 hours so there's that.

Michelle: 30:50 But he can do it in like 30. Not that I'm like, Kenny, you'll be fine. But like it, it's possible.

Brandi Sea: 30:56 It's doable. So, but, um, yeah, so it was definitely hard, uh, not knowing but especially, and it went to a mattered your reasons cause you have every freedom and right to stop doing it if it's no longer feeling like it's something that you need in your life, but understanding your reasoning made it a little easier.

Michelle: 31:17 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 31:17 To kind of stomach and be like, okay, this is all right.

Michelle: 31:20 Yeah. My reasoning. Um, it was, it's been, it's been a hard transition, um, in my life to, from with my daughter going to school. That sounds so lame to just say, but like.

Brandi Sea: 31:35 No.

Michelle: 31:35 Like, I mean it's like she's going to school, I'm working anyway.

Brandi Sea: 31:38 She's going to school full time, like regular time. Not pre-K time.

Michelle: 31:42 Yeah. Yeah. So she's going to school full time. Um, my husband for all of her life has been the primary person to drop her off and pick her up, which means that I get evenings if I'm there and weekends if I'm there.

Brandi Sea: 31:57 And you also, your schedule shifted a bit. So now.

Michelle: 31:59 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 31:59 You're not a four day schedule, you're back to back days schedule.

Michelle: 32:03 Five day, which is, which has been fine for me, but it's, it is a little bit more, I don't have like Fridays now are I work and I, and then I have to, I have to prioritize. And as I was prioritizing, like I'm, I know that she needs to be first, second, she needs to be up there. Um.

Brandi Sea: 32:27 Third.

Michelle: 32:28 Third, yeah third. Um, she needs to be up there. And with that, the podcast kept getting lower and prioritizing and not lower and just recording, but lower in making time to edit. And I would do stupid things like, okay, well, you know, she goes to bed, we, I make dinner, she get her, get her ready for bed, she goes to bed, Kelly and I spend time together and then I fall asleep. And I'm like, well now I gotta wake up at 4:00 AM to edit the podcast. And so it just kept getting lower and lower and it got harder and harder. And that's when I was, that's when I started realizing. Maybe this is phasing out of my life. Maybe this season of my life is over. And then came like the anxiety of having to figure out how to tell you which took a few months.

Brandi Sea: 33:13 Which I don't envy at all.

Michelle: 33:14 Yeah, it's a hard, it's a hard thing over all. Like I didn't make this decision lightly. Um, just because we also have a really great group of people who are Patreons. We have a really great, like group of listeners that I, I didn't want to let down. Um, and I also just hate confrontation. I hate doing, I hate feeling like I've disappointed somebody. Um, and so overall it was a really, really hard decision, but I knew that, I knew that I knew it's what I was supposed to do. And so here I am doing it.

Brandi Sea: 33:50 Yeah.

Michelle: 33:51 And it's not easy. So that's like the growth is end discomfort. Like it's all packaged right there, right there, right now.

Brandi Sea: 33:58 Yeah. And it's, it's a lot of, you know, for me it's a lot of, um, I don't do well with unknown. I don't, I don't do well when I don't understand things. And so, but once I understood, um, where, where, where were you, where you were coming from and, um, you know, I, I did talk to Hugh Weber a bit about it and he was very encouraging as always. Um, in you know, saying, you know, there's, there's no reason why this can't still be awesome. And, um, I hope that it will be, um, I know that there will be, it will have to be something completely different or it will feel less than without you.

Michelle: 34:46 And that's something that like, I know I've already said it, but again, I could not have made this move if I didn't feel like it was still going to be awesome without me. Like I, if I was, if I thought a Brandi's going to have to find a cohost just as good as me, like if I, if I thought that you couldn't do this without me, if you couldn't do this on your own, at very least, I would have been, I couldn't have like it's like leaving you out to dry, you know, like, I can't, I can't do that.

Brandi Sea: 35:15 Yeah.

Michelle: 35:15 Um, but I think that even if you choose to not have a cohost, if that's where it comes down to, you're gonna be fine.

Brandi Sea: 35:24 Hmm.

Michelle: 35:24 Like, that's, that's just my personal thought and I, we don't, we don't know.

Brandi Sea: 35:28 We don't know what this is going to be yet guys. So, you know, honestly, I would also like your feedback. Like,

Michelle: 35:33 Input is welcome.

Brandi Sea: 35:34 As always, if you have any thoughts or even just would like to say something to Michelle, that would be amazing. I would like that for her because I know that having her on here has been a blessing for you guys as well as myself. Um, so in regards to like, you know, what, what can we all teach you in this area? Um, I feel like as creatives that we don't really make our best work if we are just comfortable.

Michelle: 36:04 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 36:05 And that's just the truth. And there's, I'm sure there's studies somewhere that show that when you just are comfortable, you sit and you're happy there, then no innovation happens there. Um, nothing really interesting happens when you're just doing the same thing all the time and you're never growing.

Michelle: 36:25 I think it's why creatives like to change things up so much. Like you have your routine of how to get into something, but maybe you're not at your computer desk. Maybe you're at a coffee shop, maybe you're at the park, maybe you're actually in just like an office somewhere. Maybe you're with other people. And I think that's why we like crave changing things up like that because we want, we don't want to fall into like an, uh, I don't know.

Brandi Sea: 36:50 A rut.

Michelle: 36:50 A rut, yeah a rut. And be like, I don't know. I guess I'm just doing my job.

Brandi Sea: 36:55 Right.

Michelle: 36:55 You know?

Brandi Sea: 36:56 Yeah. I mean, and I think the key word for me and all this that has, that I've been coming back to is not just discomfort or growth, but like disruption.

Michelle: 37:07 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 37:08 Is good. Um, just a little, you know, just shaking things up, that little snow globe doesn't do anything unless you shake it.

Michelle: 37:16 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 37:16 And, um, you know, creativity really works best with tension and like, um,

Michelle: 37:24 That's why Taylor Swift

Brandi Sea: 37:25 Struggle.

Michelle: 37:25 Writes all those love songs.

Brandi Sea: 37:26 It's true. I mean, Kelly couldn't write a sad, amazing song about a Christmas tree.

Michelle: 37:32 I wasn't giving him a reason.

Brandi Sea: 37:33 If you weren't disrupting his life and making him buy a fake one. Like ultimately that's the truth. Like when I used to write poetry, the only good poetry I ever wrote was when a boy would break up with me.

Michelle: 37:43 Yeah. Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 37:45 And then I fell in love and got married and no one broke up with me anymore and I didn't write any more good poetry.

Michelle: 37:51 So Taylor Swift actually just did a tiny desk, um, which is really good. If you guys want to go check it out. But she was talking about how, what happens when I fall in love and a boy isn't breaking my heart. Like, can I still do this? What do I do? And like, she like calls herself out.

Brandi Sea: 38:09 What is tiny desk?

Michelle: 38:10 You've never heard of tiny desk. Oh my gosh. You're know you're going to love this tiny desk is.

Brandi Sea: 38:15 Anything that starts with tiny I always love.

Michelle: 38:17 Okay. Tiny desk is, you need to look it up because I'm sure some of you are.

Brandi Sea: 38:21 I wrote it down I will.

Michelle: 38:22 Some of your people are on it.

Brandi Sea: 38:23 Some of my people.

Michelle: 38:24 You like the same music as Kelly, so some of your people are on this. Um, um, but it's musicians come in and it's literally have like a tiny desk and a really cool set and a few select people come in and they do a, a live like acoustic set.

Brandi Sea: 38:39 Is this like on YouTube.

Michelle: 38:40 Um, yeah, it's on, yeah, it's on YouTube.

Brandi Sea: 38:42 Okay.

Michelle: 38:42 And tiny desk. Um, I, it's amazing. Like it's, it's like the raw talent of that person.

Brandi Sea: 38:48 That sounds really fun.

Michelle: 38:50 I love it.

Brandi Sea: 38:50 Okay.

Michelle: 38:51 Tiny desk.

Brandi Sea: 38:51 Done. Yeah. So, I mean we don't, I feel like, when we don't seek out disruption, it will come to us.

Michelle: 39:03 Mm. Which I hate.

Brandi Sea: 39:05 And I feel like I'm constantly seeking out inspiration and I'm constantly aware of like learning new things. But learning new things isn't exactly the same thing as like something disrupting your life. Like all this stuff that happened to me that was like a major disruption too. But I learned so much from that. I learned to slow down, I learned to listen to my body. I learned, um, how to sit in, in a space where there's no music and actually still be able to think and ideate and do all the things. Um, but I could not have seen that in the, in the middle of it, what was coming. I just had faith that something good would come from it.

Michelle: 39:50 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 39:50 And so that's kind of where I'm at right now is trying to figure out like, okay, so things are different right now, are they, they will be very different very soon. And what does that disruption going to do for this podcast as a creative outlet? Because this is a creative outlet for me. Um.

Michelle: 40:07 How do you keep it so without it being over, overwhelming is I think, I don't know, like.

Brandi Sea: 40:17 How will I? How, how like, well, how do you, you're figuring that out? Like how do you do this?

Brandi Sea: 40:22 Yeah, right now it's pretty overwhelming. Um,

Michelle: 40:24 But you don't want.

Brandi Sea: 40:24 Just logistically.

Michelle: 40:26 And that's okay.

Brandi Sea: 40:26 Logistically I'm just like, I don't know how I'm going to make this happen.

Michelle: 40:29 I mean, I think that's okay. Um, if it remains that way, it's not okay.

Brandi Sea: 40:34 Right.

Michelle: 40:34 But I don't think you'll let it remain that way.

Brandi Sea: 40:35 I mean, I don't usually.

Michelle: 40:36 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 40:38 Yeah. I mean I'm a, I'm a figure it out, get it done kind of person. Um, but if I do that alone for too long then it, then, then this thing will go away.

Michelle: 40:48 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 40:48 So.

Michelle: 40:48 Well, that's, don't make a big decisions in isolation type of thing. So,

Brandi Sea: 40:54 Yeah. So, um, I mean I think that, I almost, I don't know what's better, like if it's better to, to just like let disruption happen and as, because eventually it will come to you or actually try and seek it out and, and maybe get more comfortable with it.

Michelle: 41:11 I think. Um, I dunno. Either way you do it, it's, it's part of the journey and you have to go through it. So you might as well lean into it.

Brandi Sea: 41:18 Yeah.

Michelle: 41:19 You know, it's part of whatever season in life you're in, whether it's a good or bad disruption happens in all of them.

Brandi Sea: 41:24 Yeah.

Michelle: 41:25 So.

Brandi Sea: 41:25 I will say I am excited because also as a creative, you know, I do get bored of certain things easily, not easily, I guess I don't get bored of things easily, but I do get bored and I was already, every year I kind of think of ways that we can.

Michelle: 41:40 What do we do?

Brandi Sea: 41:40 As you know, like how can we improve? Like what's some way we can improve, whether it's the graphics or you know, add, throw a little something into our format that's maybe a little bit different. And we've been doing that for the past.

Michelle: 41:55 Two and a half years.

Brandi Sea: 41:55 Almost three years.

Michelle: 41:56 Almost three in February. Three

Brandi Sea: 41:57 Yeah. Um, gosh, why can't you wait till February?

Michelle: 41:59 Well because I thought new year.

Brandi Sea: 42:00 I'm just kidding, um, no time would have been easy.

Michelle: 42:06 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 42:06 Uh, let's just, uh, pull that bandaid off.

Michelle: 42:09 Yeah.

Brandi Sea: 42:09 Um, so ultimately like I'm to some things are really exciting about it. Like I'm gonna, I'm gonna say get to instead of have to, cause it's more positive. I am going to get to create a new album, new artwork for the podcast.

Michelle: 42:24 Which in the end will be, well the whole journey is going to be fun, but that's going to be the most exciting thing to see is like look. It's fresh.

Brandi Sea: 42:32 I mean, yeah,

Michelle: 42:33 And we were due for a new.

Brandi Sea: 42:35 We were already trying to get with Katie to get a new cover photo done anyways. Um, so that's exciting. Um, trying to figure out new things is exciting. Even though it's a lot of work. I'm still working on my website and while it's like a heck of a lot of work and it's a major disruption because at times it doesn't work and clients can't get where they need to, um, when it's finished, it will be beautiful. And I know that this will be too, and I hope that you'll still be willing to come on every now and then.

Michelle: 43:06 Oh sure. Why not.

Brandi Sea: 43:06 As a special no, wait, that's backup to to. Guesting no, that doesn't work.

Michelle: 43:12 Yeah, to guest as a guest.

Brandi Sea: 43:13 I know I've tried to use the word guesting cause we just invented it.

Michelle: 43:17 I just feel like you have to, it's like.

Brandi Sea: 43:21 It's not working.

Michelle: 43:22 It's a verb.

Brandi Sea: 43:22 I know.

Michelle: 43:22 But yeah.

Brandi Sea: 43:23 Michelle will be guesting.

Michelle: 43:24 There you go. In the future.

Brandi Sea: 43:26 In the future.

Michelle: 43:27 On occasion.

Brandi Sea: 43:28 On occasion.

Michelle: 43:28 There we go.

Brandi Sea: 43:29 Yeah. That we're good.

Michelle: 43:29 Perfect.

Brandi Sea: 43:29 Yay. So, um, I dunno, uh, I don't know how, I hope that they're, there was some valuable info for you on this. It was more.

Michelle: 43:38 Informative.

Brandi Sea: 43:39 This episode this episode was more just to like be vulnerable with what, where the podcast is, especially for our patreons. Um, where.

Michelle: 43:47 I always say Patreon.

Brandi Sea: 43:48 I know it's okay.

Michelle: 43:49 It's fine.

Brandi Sea: 43:50 I thought you would get it eventually, but, now you're leaving so I guess you got it never.

Michelle: 43:54 Who cares.

Brandi Sea: 43:54 Um, so we're hoping that, uh, I'm hoping that by the new year there will be, um, some more solid decisions in place. Um, keep following us on our Instagram to be updated and um, for super special secret updates on how I'm sorting through ideas, um, you will have to be a patreon. Um, cause I'm going to be posting lots of uh, polls and questions and possibly even designs for the new cover on, on the Patreon page, um, to see. Uh, so if you guys want to have access to that.

Michelle: 44:34, go, go get there. You don't have to give that much. You just, it's a month. It is a monthly giving, but it can be as little as $1 and as much as you want.

Brandi Sea: 44:42 And it helps a lot.

Michelle: 44:43 Yup. Every dollar helps. I don't know if you can give cents, can you?

Brandi Sea: 44:48 I don't think so.

Michelle: 44:49 So dollars.

Brandi Sea: 44:49 I mean a dollar is 100 cents.

Michelle: 44:52 So there you go.

Brandi Sea: 44:54 You can get as little as a hundred 100 cents.

Michelle: 44:57 100 cents. Thank you.

Brandi Sea: 44:58 So for the second to last time, Michelle, where can people find us?

Michelle: 45:03 Well, they can find us on all forms of social media via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram is probably the best place. If you want to go follow Brandi @brandisea or design speaks, it's @designspeakspodcast. We also have a playlist, a music playlist with every song we've ever played on design speaks on Spotify. It's music from design speaks. Just search that and you'll find it and have a full work days worth of music for.

Brandi Sea: 45:30 Yeah, approaching more than a work day.

Michelle: 45:31 There is one song on there that always throws me off and it's Dominic's Halloween theme every time. Every time.

Brandi Sea: 45:38 Throws off the dang algorithm. And he did it on purpose.

Michelle: 45:40 I know, he did on purpose. It's just so like him.

Brandi Sea: 45:43 It is. And he told me he did it on purpose.

Michelle: 45:45 Oh I know, I believe it. Um, if you get any value from this show, please share it with your friends. Share it with that one person that you think could benefit from it. Um, and then also you can, you can give us a rating on iTunes if you so desire. Um, big shout out to VesperteeS for allowing us to use his song shatter in the Night as the intro and outro to our podcast.

Brandi Sea: 46:08 And that will stay the same.

Michelle: 46:10 Obviously.

Brandi Sea: 46:10 So as always, if nothing else, you will have me and you will have Colin.

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