Just Go with It

Go With ItOften we get caught up in trying to do what we DON’T feel like, because it’s necessary. No one ever feels like cleaning the house or picking up after their kids; at times we don’t even feel like doing things we love, like design, because we may have to do it every day. We get used to pushing aside feelings that might bring us to some interesting and even amazing results.

It’s okay to follow your whims sometimes.

It’s okay to follow your whims sometimes. If you feel like making something, then make it. If you feel like writing something, then write it. Sketch out that crazy poster idea, manipulate that photo, go outside and paint, glue things together and make a mixed media piece. We need to push aside feelings at times when they will take us away from more important tasks. But maybe you should embrace your want instinct once and awhile [when creating] and just go with it.

But maybe you should embrace your want instinct once and awhile [when creating] and just go with it.

When a mood hits, don’t always suppress it; do something you feel like doing. Great things can come when you force yourself to work, but it’s also important to just go with it sometimes, and see what happens. It will energize you and make you more apt to feel like doing more things in the future.

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